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School of Education

Examples of Projects that Got an A

Listed below are links to some projects that got an "A" grade last year. When you compare these examples with each other, you will notice that the most important aspect of an “A” project is navigation. I do not want you handing in a so-called page-turner in which the only option is to page forward or back. Instead, I want to see thoughtful designs that give the user choices to navigate appropriately to different places in your project. You will see what I mean when you follow these links to student projects that earned an “A” last year.

PowerPoint Projects















https://udel.edu/~pippidis/a college students guide to credit.htm




















Google Sites Projects

https://sites.google.com/salesianum.org/edtechhotspot/home uses the New Google Sites to make a portfolio of technology tools organized according to the SAMR model.

https://sites.google.com/udel.edu/technologymathtools-research/home uses the New Google Sites to create a look and feel appropriate for wide screens as well as mobile devices.

https://sites.google.com/a/udel.edu/sandra-baker/home has a theme that works well when the user is logged on to Google and the Google toolbar appears above it.

https://sites.google.com/a/udel.edu/toolkit/home adds a section for user feedback using the Google feedback gadget.

https://sites.google.com/a/udel.edu/meg-grotti-eportfolio/home is an ePortfolio site that makes effective use of horizontal navigation.

https://sites.google.com/a/udel.edu/ple/ makes effective use of both vertical and horizontal navigation.

https://sites.google.com/a/udel.edu/kristie-hellens/ has a nice framework shown in the sidebar with medical imagery placed effectively onscreen.

https://sites.google.com/site/chrishayesud/ has nice clean layout that does not overload the user with too much information on any one page.

https://sites.google.com/a/udel.edu/dao-excel-tutorial by Mike Dao puts hypertext at the bottom of each screen prompting the user where to go next in this tutorial.

https://sites.google.com/site/whtrllymatters/home by Yael Haislip has an artsy design that preserves readibility in the midst of creativity.

https://sites.google.com/a/udel.edu/for-your-business by Nicole Armstrong makes good use of navigational icons with a nice look and feel.

https://sites.google.com/a/udel.edu/wilmington-barbell-club by John Potts has a nice clean design with effective use of images.

https://sites.google.com/a/udel.edu/mattymorgan99/tablet-buying-guide is Matthew Morgan's guide to buying a tablet computer.

https://sites.google.com/a/udel.edu/all-about-beer-by-greg-mowery by Greg Mowery makes good use of graphics.

https://sites.google.com/a/udel.edu/sean-murphy/ by Sean Murphy provides guidance at the bottom of each screen helping the user decide where to go next.

https://sites.google.com/site/kuesthismemorytheatre by Amartey Armar is a multimedia experience of his term paper.

https://sites.google.com/a/udel.edu/mooc-perspective by Mathieu Plourde and Tina Trimble has excellent layout, screen design, and navigation through a site devoted to open learning resources and especially MOOCs.

Web Design Projects

https://sumerali.wixsite.com/risewithhumanity is a group project created with Wix. Team members included Sumera Ali, Razdum Ahmed, and Noor Jamal. When submitting this project, they included a log indicating what each member of the team did toward creating this a-plus website.

https://josescapturephotography.wordpress.com/ by Jose Garcia Cintora uses WordPress. As you scroll down the home page it draws you into the site with an interesting "capture" metaphor that is appropriate for Jose's photography site.

https://cjct927.wix.com/moocs/ by Chris Jackson uses Wix. Chris makes excellent use of screen design and graphics to lead the user into the main sections of the site.

https://kayoung9.wixsite.com/musicmarketing/ by Kristen Young also uses Wix. Kristen creates an intuitive navigation with little or no technical-sounding instructions onscreen.

https://guidetogopro.weebly.com/ by Michael Bogucki uses Weebly. Michael does an excellent job of maintaining context and guiding the user to the next logical place to go while surfing the site.

https://www.lewisbrianna.com/ by Lewis Brianna uses Wix to create a beautifully designed portfolio of her artwork and various design projects.

https://kstahlin.wix.com/students4thekids is hosted by wix.com. Kylee's font choices, layout and color choices fit the Fighting Cancer theme very well.

https://hbrooks6.wix.com/famous-people by Heather Books also uses wix. Heather exhibits excellent sense of layout and navigational flow.

https://montoyadoml.wix.com/sewbabysew by Dominique Montoya promotes the UD student club SewBabySew. The design makes it clear how to navigate in every part of the screen.

https://thebrightshopper.weebly.com by Caroline O'Connor likewise uses Weebly to create a design making it clear how to navigate in every part of the screen.

https://juliayates.com/ is hosted by CargoCollective.com. Julia learned HTML and CSS to create these page designs.

https://udel.edu/~lsikes/generousweb/ is hosted on the UD Copland server. Levi Sikes authored this accessibility site in Dreamweaver.

Molly Simmons used Wix to create https://msimons91.wix.com/easye-publishing.

Brittany Choplin makes effective use of mouseovers at https://udel.edu/~bchoplin/presidents.

https://www.rachelglasser.com is an artistic resume created by Rachel Glasser.

Powered by Squarespace, https://www.isabelstern.com/ is an artistic resume created by Isabel Stern.

Using the Bootstrap framework, https://jmtroll.github.io/website-project/startbootstrap-resume-gh-pages/ is a responsive resume created by Jamie Troll at GitHub.