Learning Technologies Resources
As noted in the course description, the purpose of this course is to develop a deep understanding of technology integration across the various content areas. Guided by the framework of technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), candidates negotiate the relationships between technology, pedagogy, and content, thereby building an understanding of how technology can support active and constructive learning.
Module 6: Flipping the Classroom (or Not)
Readings- Thompson, C. (2011). How Khan Academy is changing the rules of education. Wired. Retrieved from http://tinyurl.com/6bavc3x
- Khan, Salman. (2011) Let's use video to reinvent education. [TED Talk.] Retrieved from http://tinyurl.com/5ur4v3q
- Schneider, Bertrand; Blikstein, Paulo; and Pea, Roy. (2013). The Flipped, Flipped Classroom. [Op Ed.] Retrieved from http://www.stanforddaily.com/2013/08/05/the-flipped-flipped-classroom/
- Watson, J., & Murin, A. (2014). A history of K-12 online and blended instruction in the United States. In R. Ferdig and K. Kennedy (Eds), Handbook of Research on K-12 Online and blended learning (pp. 1-24). ETC Press.
- Murphy, R., Snow, E., Mislevy, J., Gallagher, L., Krumm, A., Wei, X. (2014). Blended learning report. Michael & Susan Dell Foundation & SRI International. (Read the Executive Summary.) Retrieved from https://www.edweek.org/media/msdf-blended-learning-report-may-2014.pdf
- Milman, N.B. (2012). MOOCS: What are they? Plus 20 questions we should be asking about them. Distance Learning, 9(4), 91-93.
- Cheng, Li; Ritzhaupt, Albertl; and Antonenko, Pavlo. (2019). Effects of the flipped classroom instructional technology on students' learning outcomes: a meta-analysis. Educational Technology Research & Development, 67(4), 793-824.
- Kapur, M., Hattie, J., Grossman, I., and Sinha, T. (2022). Fail, flip, fix, and feed – Rethinking flipped learning: A review of meta-analyses and a subsequent meta-analysis. Front. Educ. 7:956416. doi: 10.3389/feduc.2022.956416 https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/feduc.2022.956416/full
- Flipped learning interview with Sal Kahn, https://www.edsurge.com/news/2017-10-03-why-flipped-learning-is-still-going-strong-10-years-later
- Myths and facts about flipped learning, https://er.educause.edu/articles/2017/9/myths-and-facts-about-flipped-learning
- Are videos good for retention? How do these results align with Mayer’s principles? https://www.edsurge.com/news/2017-10-04-watch-that-hand-why-videos-may-not-be-the-best-medium-for-knowledge-retention