EDUC 439/639: iPad App Design & Development
Welcome to the Web site for EDUC 439/639: iPad App Design & Development. When taken at the 400 level, this course fulfills a requirement in the Minor of Educational Technology at the University of Delaware. At the 600 level, this course is an elective in the Master of Education in Educational Technology program, and EDUC 639 is also an elective in the educational technology specialization of the Ed.D. program in Curriculum, Technology, & Higher Education (CTHE).
You will be happy to discover that this course uses a hybrid format that enables you to learn online as well as in the classroom.
To submit answers to assignments in this course, you log on to Canvas, which hosts the password-protected portions of this course. You can log on with your browser or you can use the Canvas iPad app. Note: You will not be able to get in to the course until you receive the instructor's invitation to do so. This invitation will be sent to your udel.edu email address. You must use your udel.edu email address as your Canvas username.
For the official word about the course content, see the course description.