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School of Education

eLearning Resources

As noted in the course description, the purpose of this course is to survey the field of eLearning, identify the leading learning management systems, and review the major trends and issues related to using eLearning to improve educational results. Guided by the principles of how people learn, candidates adopt an eLearning tool appropriate for creating their final project, thereby putting theory into practice.

Module 2: Effectiveness (or Not)

Whether eLearning is effective depends on the context in which it is used and the extent to which its design aligns with the principles of how people learn.

USDOE Meta-analysis

The U.S. Department of Education documents the effectiveness of online teaching in a meta-analysis that is freely available at http://www.udel.edu/edtech/e-learning/readings/US-DOE-Evaluation-of-Evidence-Based-Practices-in-Online-Learning.pdf.

NBER Evidence

Not all studies, however, find that eLearning is effective. Follow this link to an NBER working paper that found mixed results in a table identifying the subject, grade level, and impact of selected eLearning applications.

Banning Mobile (or Not)

In business and economics classrooms, many professors are beginning to ban mobile devices due to the findings reported by The New York Times in Laptops are Great. But Not During a Lecture or a Meeting.

Impact of Cheating

Schaffhauser, Dian. (2020). Instructors Believe Students More Likely to Cheat When Class Is Online. https://campustechnology.com/articles/2020/08/04/instructors-believe-students-more-likely-to-cheat-when-class-is-online.aspx

Online Class Size

Online College Classes Should Have No More Than 12 Students. https://www.forbes.com/sites/dereknewton/2020/06/28/online-college-classes-should-have-no-more-than-12-students/


Can text messages for parents boost reading scores? https://hechingerreport.org/can-simple-text-messages-for-parents-boost-reading-scores-for-kids/

Screen Time

Is Screen Time Really Bad for Kids? https://www.nytimes.com/2019/12/18/magazine/screen-time-kids-teens.html