Course Textbook and Recommended Readings
EDUC 439/639: eBook Authoring
Most of the learning resources in this course are available freely online. Some of the Apple resources require that you have an iTunes Connect login, which is freely available at iTunes Connect.
Publishing with Apple Pages
Follow this link to Apple's overview of creating eBooks with Pages. Also helpful is this how-to guide from Apple Insider.
Building Your Book for Kindle
In addition to authoring eBooks for publication in the Apple Book Store, students can also create projects for other platforms. To learn how to use MS Word to author eBooks for Amazon's Kindle platform, for example, you can follow this Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) link to the eBook Manuscript Formatting Guide. Freely available Kindle apps enable users to read Kindle books on the iPad or iPhone as well as on Macintosh or Windows computers. Follow this link for other KDP tools and resources.
Digital Textbook Playbook
Created by the FCC and the USDOE, the Digital Textbook Playbook provides insight into the rollout of eBooks throughout K-12 education. You can download the playbook from http://www.fcc.gov/encyclopedia/digital-textbook-playbook.
Journal Articles
Guler, E., Guler, C., & Gumus, S. (2012). Comparison of the tools for interactive eBook content development. EDULEARN12 Proceedings, 1191-1195. Retrieved from library.iated.org/view/GULER2012COM.
Jackson, D. (2012). Steve Jobs Was Right About the Future of HTML 5 but Was He Right About Digital Publishing? Law Library Journal, Spring 2012. Retrieved from papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2006444.
Kwok, R. (2012). Going digital. Nature, 485, 405-407. Retrieved from www.nature.com/nature/journal/v485/n7398/full/nj7398-405a.html.
Martin, R. (2012) The road ahead: eBooks, eTextbooks and publishers’ electronic resources. In M. Brown, M. Hartnett & T. Stewart (Eds.), Future challenges, sustainable futures. Proceedings ascalite Wellington 2012. Retrieved from https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/b510/57a7a6793acadb9d187919ff61433d737354.pdf.
Parrott, C., & Holvig, K. (2012). Teaching with Technology and iBooks Author. Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, 18(5), 267-269. Retrieved from www.jstor.org/discover/10.5951/mathteacmiddscho.18.5.0267.
Slough, S. & Rupley, W. (2012). Multi-Touch Tablets, E-Books, and an Emerging Multi-Coding Theory for Reading. In T. Amiel & B. Wilson (Eds.), Proceedings of World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications 2012 (pp. 1233-1238). Chesapeake, VA: AACE. Retrieved from http://www.editlib.org/p/40908.
Thomas, N., Carroll, F., Kop, R., & Stocking, S. iBook learning experience: the challenge of teaching computer architecture to first year university students. Retrieved from http://world-comp.org/p2012/EEE2439.pdf.
Computer Accounts
Every University of Delaware student automatically receives an e-mail account. You should visit www.udel.edu/network to manage your password, username, and quotas. Especially if you do not read your udel.edu e-mail regularly, be sure to visit www.udel.edu/network and follow the link to forward your udel.edu mail to the e-mail address you read every day.
Computer Sites
All students registered in this class have the option of using the multimedia PCs and Macs in the campus computing sites. Use https://sites.udel.edu/computingsites/ to link to the general access site schedule. Please note that the use of the campus computing sites is totally optional in this course. If you have your own computer and Internet connection, you may never need to use the campus computing sites.
E-mail Addresses
Every student in this class must have an e-mail address on the Internet and read e-mail regularly. If you're enrolled in a University of Delaware course, and you do not have an e-mail account yet, go to the help center and follow the e-mail link for detailed instructions on how to activate your e-mail account. If you do not read your UD mail regularly, you should go to www.udel.edu/network and follow the instructions to forward your e-mail to your preferred e-mail address.