2. Getting Started with YouTube
To learn how to get started with YouTube, complete the tutorials you find by following this link to getting started on YouTube. These tutorials include finding your way around, building playlists of the videos you like, subscribing to channels, and learning about YouTube Kids.
One of the first things you will do at YouTube is create your first playlist. A playlist is a group of videos you put into a list about a certain topic. You can make the playlist public, private, or unlisted. To create a new playlist, go to the first video you want to add to the playlist. On a computer, choose the “Add to” option underneath the video. On a mobile device, tap the + button, then tap Add to Playlist. Follow the onscreen instructions to create a name for your playlist and make it public or private. For more detailed instructions, follow this link to learn how to create a playlist.
In addition to putting a video into a playlist, you can mark it as one of your Favorites. Below the video is a “Save to" button which, when selected, displays a drop-down menu that has the options "Favorites", "Queue" and "Create New Play list". Choose "Favorites" and the video will be saved to your favorites.
Subscribing to the YouTube Help Channel
YouTube is continually innovating by adding new features that add functionality to what you can do there. To keep informed about new features that are continually being added, follow this link to subscribe to the YouTube help channel for video tips, tricks, and tutorials.
The YouTube Help Center at support.google.com/youtube houses the documentation for getting started, navigating YouTube, connecting with creators and other viewers, sharing and embedding videos, creating playlists, going mobile, and troubleshooting. The section on creating videos explains how to create channels, upload and edit videos, manage and optimize channels, and create live streams. Your Account explains how to sign up, configure your settings, and fix account problems. Under the YouTube Partner Program, you learn how to monetize your content, manage your rights, and get paid for delivering your content. The YouTube Nonprofit program explains how to sign up for the YouTube nonprofit program and use donation cards for your nonprofit. The Legal, Safety, and Copyright section contains policies on safety, reporting, copyright and rights management. Under the section on Advertising, you learn about video advertising with AdWords.