12. YouTube Resources and References
Textbooks, videos and courses
YouTube. (2016, May 20). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved May 31, 2016, from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/YouTube
YouTube Creator Academy. Follow the links to see lessons and courses about various YouTube features. https://creatoracademy.withgoogle.com/creatoracademy/page/education
Free online course at https://alison.com/courses/YouTube-Create-an-Account-Upload-and-View-Videos/content
Top 50 Yale Course Videos at http://www.onlinecoursereport.com/the-top-50-yale-course-videos-you-can-watch-on-youtube/
The Secret to Building a YouTube Audience, a free eBook by Tim Schmoyer, available from https://videocreators.com/product/secret-building-youtube-audience
YouTube Tricks and Tips playlist at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLvxDZJe1lbaaEfLsIhbhQpoJRCcAyi4MC
Succeeding on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boBex_v3_eA
References Cited in the Modules
Barnett, Emma (September 3, 2009). "Music videos back on YouTube in multi-million pound PRS deal". The Daily Telegraph (London). Retrieved May 31, 2016 from http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/google/6127624/Music-videos-back-on-YouTube-in-multi-million-pound-PRS-deal.html.
Bennett, Brian (December 12, 2010). "YouTube is letting users decide on terrorism-related videos". Los Angeles Times. Tribune Washington Bureau. Retrieved 30 May 2016 from http://articles.latimes.com/2010/dec/12/nation/la-na-youtube-terror-20101213.
Bonk, C. J. (2009, October 5). Using shared online video to anchor instruction: YouTube and beyond. Faculty Focus. Retrieved March 1, 2011, from http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/instructionaldesign/using-shared-online-video-to-anchor-instruction-youtubeand-beyond/
Burgess, J., & Green, J. (2013). YouTube: Online video and participatory culture. John Wiley & Sons.
Burnett, M. (2008). Integrating interactive media into the classroom: YouTube raises the bar on student performance . Paper presented at the Allied Academies International Conference, Reno, NV. Retrieved June 23, 2012, from
Chu, Jon M. (February 2010). "The LXD: In the Internet age, dance evolves". TED. Retrieved 30 May 2016 from http://www.webcitation.org/6MioNt4ZG.
CNN Wire Staff (September 14, 2012). "U.S. warns of rising threat of violence amid outrage over anti-Islam video". CNN. Retrieved 30 May 2016 from http://www.webcitation.org/6MDeXn5wt.
Danforth, Nick (July 31, 2009). "Turks censor YouTube censorship". San Francisco Chronicle. Retrieved May 31, 2016 from http://www.sfgate.com/opinion/article/Turks-censor-YouTube-censorship-3290636.php.
Howard, Philip N. (February 23, 2011). "The Arab Spring's Cascading Effects". Pacific Standard. Retrieved 30 May 2016 from http://www.webcitation.org/6MSsLaMuk.
Nichols, Michelle and Simao, Paul. (April 14, 2009). "YouTube orchestra prepares for Carnegie debut". Reuters. Retrieved 30 May 2016 from http://www.webcitation.org/6MjbFECh1.
Smart, Richard (May 11, 2011). "Crowdsourcing: After Quakebook, We Pray For You". The Tokyo Times Retrieved 30 May 2016 from http://www.webcitation.org/5z0XgwnkQ.