Multimedia Literacy
Chapter 10: Designing Multimedia
After completing this chapter, you will know how to:
- Visualize the web you create when making links among multimedia objects
- Recognize the five basic multimedia design paradigms
- Use the linear list design to let the user move back and forth in a sequence of screens
- Use the menu design to provides users with a choice of multiple items onscreen
- Use the hierarchical design to provide levels of choices by linking menus to menus
- Realize how the multiple linking in a network design provides the richest form of interactivity
- Visualize how hybrid designs can incorporate lists, menus, hierarchies, and networks
- Plan screen sequences for handling the user’s choices
- Use mind mapping tools to visualize and think through your design
- Define the ADDIE process of analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation
- Team review storyboards to save time and money during development
- Flowchart the logic guiding multiscreen interactions