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School of Education

Course Format

EDUC 421/621: Internet Technologies

In every course that I teach here at UD, regardless of the manner in which you enrolled, I always give students the option of being online, or coming to class in Zoom or in person, each week during the course. This kind of teaching is called HyFlex, which stands for hybrid flexible. Therefore, you can have the online option regardless of which section you are officially enrolled in. Only our international students are required to come physically in person due to USA laws related to their visas.

If you come to class in person, please bring your laptop so you can log into the Zoom classroom feed. This enables you to see all of the students who are zooming in to class, interact with them in the chat, and view the "share" of the instructor screen. The link to the Zoom classroom is on your course home page in Canvas.

I am pleased to provide all of you with this HyFlex option, and I hope you will take advantage of how it lets you decide each week how you would like to participate. Class meetings happen on the following dates and times:

To log in to the Zoom help session, all you need is a Web browser. To enter the Zoom help session for this course, log on to Canvas, choose your Internet Technologies  course, and follow the link to the Zoom address that is on your course home page in Canvas.