Course Textbook
COMM 486, EDUC 485, EDUC 685: Multimedia Literacy
The required course textbook is a Kindle eBook written by your course professor. The cloud-based Kindle platform enables you to read this book and take notes that persist across platforms including iPad, iPhone, Android, Mac, PC, and Web apps. You pay once for the book, and all these apps are free that let you read the book across platforms and take notes that persist across platforms. Your professor chose to publish this book via the Kindle platform both to keep its cost low ($9.99) as well as model best practices for learning online. To purchase the course textbook, follow the link in its bibliographic reference as follows:
Hofstetter, Fred T. (2023). Multimedia Literacy (4th ed.). Seattle: Kindle press. Available from https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BRK21DMB.
To complete the hands-on computer assignments, each student will need access to a multimedia computer (Windows PC or Macintosh) that is connected to the Internet via the latest version of either Firefox, Safari, or Chrome.
Computer Accounts
Every University of Delaware student automatically receives an e-mail account. You should visit www.udel.edu/network to manage your password, username, and quotas.
Computer Sites
All students registered in this class have the option of using the multimedia PCs and Macs in the campus computing sites. Use sites.udel.edu/askit/support/ to link to the general access site schedule. Please note that the use of the campus computing sites is totally optional in this course. If you have your own computer and Internet connection, you may never need to use the campus computing sites.
E-mail Addresses
Every student in this class must have an e-mail address on the Internet and read e-mail regularly. If you're enrolled in a University of Delaware course, and you do not have an e-mail account yet, go to the help center and follow the e-mail link for detailed instructions on how to activate your e-mail account.