Presentations of Technologies for Learning
EDUC 450/650: Technology & Cognition
Printed below are the software applications and approaches featured in your course modules. During the course, the software presentation assignment requires you to prepare and present one of these applications in class. In your presentation, you need to not only present the software, but also explain its theoretical framework.
Learning Environments
- SimCalc
- Geometer's Sketchpad
- WISE: Web-based Inquiry Science Environment
- Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Technologies that Support Learning by Collaboration and Inquiry
- Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education (CIESE)
- Webspiration
- PopIn
- Knowledge Community and Inquiry (KCI)
- Knowledge Building (KB)
- eXtensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP)
- Wikipedia
- MediaWiki
- TWiki
- Knowledge Forum
- BlackPlanet
Technologies that Support Learning by Gaming
- BrainPOP
- Crystal Island
- Whyville
- River City
- Quest Atlantis
- Scaffolding Understanding by Redesigning Games for Education (SURGE)
- Mentira
- MIT Arcade
- Google Cardboard
Technologies that Support Learning by Making
- App Lab (from the Hour of Code at
- Scratch
- Apple's "Everyone Can Create" has a Teacher Guide and a Student Guide
- Teaching chemistry with Minecraft
- Thingiverse
- Shapeways
- Kinematics Models
- MakerBot
- Cornell Fab@Home
- Fab@School Designer
- Sketchup
- MakeToLearn
- Paper Circuits, Tech Trends (2018) 62:197-203
EdTech Hotspot Apps
In addition to the software listed above, you can propose to make your presentation about any other app you would like to feature as long as you can explain how it supports one or more of the learning theories upon which it is based. An excellent list of other apps is at the EdTech Hotspot, which is a New Google Site created in the Salesianum domain by EDTC candidate Amanda Matarese. As you will see, Amanda organizes her apps according to the following five categories:
- I am interested in creating.
- I want my students to be collaborating.
- I am going to be demonstrating.
- I am (like my students!) learning.
- I am looking for professional development.
To explore the apps in these categories at Amanda's website, follow this link to her EdTech Hotspot.