Course Format
EDUC 439/639: eBook Authoring
To accommodate the needs of adult learners, the eBook Authoring course is offered in a hybrid course format. The term hybrid means that the course combines online learning with face-to-face classroom sessions. Online you will find all of the learning resources, tutorials, assignments, and the discussion forum used in this course. In addition to these online materials, optional face-to-face sessions are held in Willard 205. When this course is taught in the Fall or Spring semester, these face-to-face sessions happen Fridays at 5PM or 6:30 PM. During Winter or Summer, they happen on Tuesday evenings at 5:30 PM.
To reduce driving and gasoline consumption, students from Southern Delaware and elsewhere can attend the face-to-face sessions via videoconferencing. To log in to the live classroom stream, all you need is a Web browser. To enter the videoconferencing classroom for this course, log on to Canvas, choose your eBook Authoring course, and follow the link to the videoconferencing classroom.