iPad Primer with Embedded Video Tutorials
This page is one in a series of screens that display the learning objectives covered in the course EDUC 439/639: iPad Apps for Educators. The learning modules are in the iPad Primer, which students download to their iPads from Apple's iBookstore. Embedded in the modules are show-me movies that illustrate the tutorials and make them interactive. What powers this multimedia learning environment is the iPad's support for the <video> tag, which enables authors to embed movies on iBooks pages. One of the byproducts of working through the iPad Primer is that you will become able to write your own multimedia EPUB documents, if you would like to author a multimedia eBook for publication at Apple's iBookstore.

Chapter 19: Organizing Apps and Links into Folders
After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
- Create folders on your iPad's home screen.
- Organize your home screen by dragging apps into folders.
- Rename folders to make their names better describe what they contain.
- Move an app out of a folder if you no longer want the app there.
- Move an app's icon to a different home screen.
- Delete an app from your iPad.
- Understand that you cannot delete the iPad's built-in apps.
- Know how to set restrictions that can prevent the built-in apps from appearing onscreen.