Justrite Waste Container Operations
How to Use the Corrosive Chemical Waste Storage Container

All chemical waste containers must be labeled with an accurate orange chemical waste label. Liquid waste containers must be stored in secondary containment and in appropriate
cabinets (corrosive cabinets, flammable cabinets or under fume hood cabinets). Refer to the Laboratory Chemical Waste Management
Procedures for the complete procedures on chemical waste management. It is still necessary to segregate organic and inorganic corrosive waste as well as solvent and aqueous
from each other.
- Check the orange chemical waste label to assure you are adding waste to the proper container.
- Apply the first latch and open the container.
- Attach the second latch to lock the container lid open.
- Add the waste, watching for any unexpected reactions. Immediately contact DEHS at x8475, or 911 after hours, if there is an unexpected reaction or incompatible materials
are added together.
- Close the container lid by removing the second latch.
- Store properly in secondary containment and in an appropriate cabinet (corrosives cabinet or under fume hood cabinet).

Effective January 1, 2005 all corrosive waste must be managed in these containers. DEHS will not accept any chemical waste (except waste reagent grade chemicals) in
glass or plastic-coated glass containers.
NOTE: EHS does not provide new chemical waste containers. New containers can be purchased from
Fischer Scientific
Questions regarding chemical waste issues may be addressed to EHS or call 831-8475.
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