University Safety Glasses Information

The University Safety Glass Policy 7-23 specifies:

"Every person shall wear eye protection devices when entering, participating in, observing or performing any function in connection with any course or activity taking place in eye protection areas as defined above. Persons covered include, without limitation, administrators, faculty, staff, students, contractors, other employees and visitors."

Eye protection comes in many forms. Safety glasses must be worn at all times when there is risk of eye injury due to flying debris, dust or incidental minor chemical splashes. Users must upgrade to splash goggles when safety glasses do not protect against a hazardous materials splash, spray or mist. Face shields must be worn over splash goggles or safety glasses for operations that present a high risk of face injury from a chemical splash or flying debris. Employees, students and researchers should review the Job Hazard Analysis with their supervisor to determine the most appropriate level of eye protection.

In support of safety on campus, the Fisher Scientific Storerooms in McKinly and Brown Laboratories display many different styles of safety glasses. Employees, students and researchers can try on multiple styles of safety glasses to determine which fit the best and are the most comfortable. Users should choose a pair that provide complete protection and can be worn for an extended period of time without discomfort.

Many opticians can provide prescription safety glasses. There is currently no preferred vendor. Employees should meet with their supervisors and determine how much the department/program is willing to contribute to the purchase of prescription safety glasses. Once approval is received, the employee should take their prescription to an optician that sells prescription safety glasses.

In general, departments, units and programs must provide eye protection to all University employees if a Job Hazard Analysis determines that it is necessary. The University is not required to provide prescription safety glasses if a suitable "over the glasses" option works; however, EHS encourages departments to develop their own internal prescription safety glass policy. The "over the glasses" safety glasses are often uncomfortable. Students may be required to purchase their own safety glasses.

If you have any questions or need assistance please contact or call 302-831-8475.