Highly Toxic, Reproductive Toxins and Carcinogenic Material Program

The University Chemical Hygiene Committee approved special requirements and procedures for working with Highly Toxic, Reproductive Toxins and Carcinogenic Material (HTCM) These materials present an extreme health hazard to researchers and personnel and special procedures are mandated by Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration, University Policy 7-37 and the University Chemical Hygiene Plan. The goal of this program is to protect the short and long term health of all researchers and laboratory personnel.

Because of the specific severe hazards of working with these materials, EHS has created a special training class. The Toxic Chemical Safety Training Session, offered monthly, provides guidance on safe work practices with HTCM and includes hands-on practice completing a Standard Operating Procedure and Job Hazard Analysis. Please email dehsafety@udel.edu or call 302-831-8475 for more information.

Any questions or concerns related to the Highly Toxic and Carcinogenic Material Program should be addressed to the Chemical Hygiene Officer at dehsafety@udel.edu or call 302-831-8475.