Laboratory Fume Hood/Ventilation Equipment Program
Laboratory fume hoods and ventilation equipment are designed for the protection of personnel by preventing contaminants such as vapors, dusts, mists, and fumes from being released into the laboratory and
building environment. Fume hoods also provide a physical barrier from chemicals and their reactions.
A properly functioning unit will help reduce or eliminate the potential of occupational exposure to hazardous chemicals if it is used properly by laboratory personnel. EHS recommends that all chemical fume
hoods users attend training on the proper use of laboratory ventilation equipment. Laboaratory Ventilation Safe Use Training is offered once a month in the EHS Training Room. Go to the
EHS Training Calendar to sign up for a class.
In general, all fume hoods/ventilation equipment should be in compliance with the American Conference of Government Industrial Hygienist (ACGIH) Recommendations, The American National Standard for Laboratory
Ventilation (ANSI Z 9.5) and the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) 110 testing performance for laboratory fume hoods.
Questions or requests for more information may be addressed to James Farley or call 831-6566.
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