Greenhouse Gases
Greenhouse Gases are emissions from human activities that are suspected to adding to the planet’s capability to trap heat normally radiated into space. As part of the nation’s
Climate Change policy, the EPA has mandated that large emitters of greenhouse gases monitor and report their emissions annually. EHS is tasked with compiling and reporting this
information. The threshold for reporting is established as the heat retaining capacity equivalent of 25,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year.
The vast majority of greenhouse gases emissions generated at the University are from the combustion of fuel for heating purposes in the form of carbon dioxide and the largest
single location of these emissions is the Central Utility Plant. Greenhouse gas emissions from all stationary combustion sources owned by the University, such as boilers, heaters,
and emergency generator engines, are calculated using fuel consumption data and accepted emission factors. The emissions are reported electronically to the EPA annually.
As part of the Greenhouse Gas reporting requirements, the University has developed a written plan for collecting and calculating emission data.
Questions about Greenhouse Gases can be addressed to the Bill Harris at (302)-831-8274.