Waste Management for Printmaking

Printmaking operations generate a number of chemical wastes. Some examples include solvent and non-solvent based inks, solvent soaked rags and towels. Below are suggestions on how to manage the majority of chemical waste generated from printmaking operations. For complete information on chemical waste management, go to the Laboratory Chemical Waste Management Procedures. These procedures are universal for both laboratory and art operations.

Solvent Soaked Towels

  • Obtain a flammable steel safety can or a metal pail with lid
  • Line the safety can or pail with a trash bag
  • Apply a completed chemical waste label on the outside of the can or pail
  • Add the solvent soaked rags and/or towels and close the lid
  • When the container is full, seal and remove the bagged waste. Apply a completed chemical waste label to the outside of the bag
  • Place a new plastic bag into the pail or safety can
  • Contact DEHS to remove the full bag of waste

Waste Degreasers and Solvents

  • Obtain a Nalgene low-density polyethylene waste container. These containers are avaiable from the campus laboratory storerooms and laboratory supply stores. You can also purchase gasoline containers from local hardware stores.Do not use consumer commodities such as milk containers or soda bottles. You can also reuse the container that the degreaser or solvents were shipped in
  • Apply a completed orange chemical waste label to the side of the container
  • Wear splash goggles and appropriate chemical protective gloves
  • Add the liquid waste using a large funnel. If possible, perform all liquid waste bulking in an operating fume hood
  • Remove the funnel and seal the container
  • Store the container in a secondary containment bin
  • Contact DEHS to remove when the container is 90% full
  • Nalgene or purchased containers will be returned in one week

Waste Inks

  • Place the waste ink into the original container or other sturdy Plastic container
  • Place the containers into a cardboard box
  • Apply a completed chemical waste label to the outside of the box
  • Contact DEHS to remove the waste

Questions regarding chemical waste issues may be addressed to EHS or call 831-8475.