Purchase of Biological Safety Cabinets and Laminar Flow Clean Benches
Biological safety cabinets and laminar flow clean benches must be approved by the Department of Environmental Health & Safety prior to their purchase. The Department of Environmental Health
& Safety must confirm that the equipment is appropriate for the application. By approving the purchase of new equipment, cabinets can be added to the list of units to be certified annually. New
cabinets must be certified upon installation prior to their use.
Laminar flow clean benches provide product protection only and must not be used in conjunction with any hazardous materials due to their inability to protect the personnel using them or the
environment. A properly used biosafety cabinet will, however, protect personnel, the environment, and the work itself. Because of the flexibility these cabinets provide, the University Biosafety
Committee and the Biosafety Officer recommend the purchase of Biosafety Cabinets for both purposes. The committee discourages the acquisition of additional laminar flow benches on campus. If
anyone wishes to purchase/acquire a laminar flow clean bench, it must be approved by the Biosafety Officer.
Questions regarding the purchase of biological safety cabinets and laminar flow clean benches may be addressed to Krista Murray or call 831-1433.
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