Safe Use of Open Flames Procedures
Introduction - Open flame devices used improperly are responsible for serious injuries, deaths and loss of property each year. In recent years, the University of Delaware has experienced
property damage and personnel have been seriously injured by these sources. As a result it is critical to control this type of hazard. Various jurisdictions, which regulate University of Delaware
facilities, have adopted laws and numerous University of Delaware documents spell out rules and regulations, which address the safe use of open flames.
- Applicant - The person responsible to make sure all precautions are followed.
- Open Flame Devices - Include but are not limited to: candles, incense burners, sterno pots for cooking, bonfires, etc.
- Department of Environmental Health & Safety - The University department that grants permits for the open flames.
- Responsible Department - The department or unit which is held accountable for building operation.
- Authorized Signer - Name of a person accountable for the responsible department
- Emergency Numbers -
- Newark Campus: 9-1-1
- All other locations: 9-1-1
- Applicant completes permit application for use of open flame device at least 21 days in advance of requested date. Note: A permit is required for each open flame use, unless approved
by the Department of Environmental Health & Safety.
- Open Flame Use Application Form
- Applicant submits completed application to Responsible Department to gain signature of Authorized Signer.
- Application is submitted to:
University of Delaware Fire Protection Engineer / Fire Marshal
Department of Environmental Health & Safety
General Services Building - 222 S. Chapel Street
Newark, De l97l6 Room 132 (302) 831-8475
- Applicant arranges for a meeting and inspection of location and equipment to be used with the Department of Environmental Health & Safety.
- Applicant procures a signed copy of authorized permit application and posts in area where open flame will be used.
* IMPORTANT NOTE - The applicant is the person responsible to make sure all precautions are followed. If all conditions are not met, the permit is not valid.
For additional information regarding safe use of open flames, please e-mail Kevin McSweeney or call 831-6847.