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Last updated February 2, 2010

How to migrate from Mirapoint to Outlook
and the Exchange server

  1. Pre-Migration Steps
    1. Submit a request by calling the IT Help Center at 831-6000 with a list of users and the reason for the migration. Include any extra resources needed, shared mailboxes, or public calendars with list of access (full or read only).
    2. You MUST give at least 24 hours notice for migration.
    3. Make sure user does not access Mirapoint e-mail after 6:00 p.m. on the day of migration.
    4. A mailbox is created and mail is sent to users in Mirapoint about obtaining a temporary password. Or, the user can go directly to instructions on the Web page at
    5. After migration is complete, all e-mail will have been copied to Exchange from Mirapoint.
    6. After one week, all mail on Mirapoint will be archived and kept for one month.
    7. Quota will be the same on Exchange as it was on Mirapoint. If a user needs an increase, then a request must be sent to the Help Center.
    8. Outlook setup can be performed by IT CS&S staff or a departmental CITA.

  1. Migrating Local Mail from previous e-mail client to Outlook Personal Folders


    1. Keep the old e-mail client on the computer. Have the user access messages prior to the Exchange account set up via the previous client. Have the user forward messages to him- or herself, if messages need to be transferred.
    2. If your Local Folders are very large or numerous, contact the Help Center (831-6000) to request a CS&S staff member help you move the folders.
  1. Migrate Address book to contacts
    1. Open the Mozilla or Thunderbird Address book.
    2. Select the Personal Address book.
    3. Export this file as a .csv file. If a user has an address book in Mirapoint Webmail Direct, have the user log in to Webmail, and use the address book import/export utility to export the address book as a .csv file.
    4. Open Microsoft Outlook.
    5. From the File menu, click Import.  
    6. Click Import from another program or file–Comma Separated Values (Windows).
    7. Use Browse to select the exported .csv file.
    8. Click Next.
    9. Select the destination folder.
    10. Click Next.
    11. Click Finish.

You may need to map the Address book fields to Microsoft Outlook contact fields for the file to import correctly.