Information Technologies Exchange Server


For Users: How to...

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For CITAs: How to...


IT Exchange Server Home Page

Last updated November 9, 2009

How to send an invitation to a meeting

  1. From the File menu, click New.
  2. Click Meeting Request. (Alternatively, use the New button drop-down arrow on the toolbar and click Meeting Request).
  3. In the To field, type the e-mail addresses of the invitees.
  4. Fill in the subject and the location fields.
  5. Choose the meeting start and end times.
  6. Use the Recurrence button on the toolbar if the meeting will occur more than once.
  7. Click Send.

Optional: Use the Scheduling tab to find out when meeting invitees are free. You must be given access to view their calendar. (Only individuals who use the Exchange server will have visible calendars.)

Invitees will receive your invitation as an e-mail message.