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Enabling the FCKeditor to Input RTF Text

To enable the FCKeditor, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Modules page [Administer > Site building > Modules].
  2. In the section labeled Other, select the checkbox to enable the FCKeditor Module.
  3. Click Save configuration at the bottom of the page.

After you enable the editor, the next step is for you to give permission to the user role(s) on your site that you want to have access to the FCKeditor. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Permissions page [Administer > User management > Permissions].
  2. Locate the fckeditor module section.
  3. Under the fckeditor module section, three permission settings will be listed:
    • access fckeditor is necessary for anyone to use the editor,
    • administer fckeditor allows users to make changes to the fckeditor settings, and
    • allow fckeditor file uploads allows users to upload files to the server through the fckeditor interface.
  4. Select the appropriate permission(s) for the user roles on your site.
  5. Click Save Permissions at the bottom of the page.

FCKeditor profiles
You may need to further customize your FCKeditor profiles. Profiles can be defined based on user roles. An FCKeditor profile can define which pages receive the FCKeditor capability, what buttons or themes are enabled for the editor, how the editor is displayed, and a number of other functions. You can also define the Global Profile to hold values that will be appended to all other profiles by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the FCKeditor page [Administer > Site configuration > FCKeditor].
  2. You will see a list of FCKeditor profiles. Each profile can be configured individually and have different site user roles assigned to it. Click the edit link for any of the profiles to access a complete list of options. Some of the most common configurations are the following:
    • Basic setup—Allows you to change the name of the profile and to which role(s) it pertains.
    • Visibility settings—Allows you to specify pages that include or exclude use of the FCKeditor.
    • Editor appearance—Allows you to customize how the editor starts and looks. You can choose between complete or basic options, the look of the bar itself, etc.
    • File browser settings—Allows you to explore files stored on the server and embed them as links, images, or flash movies. In addition to the built-in FCKeditor file browser, you can also use a contributed module like TinyMCE, Image Browser, or Web File Manager.
  3. Click Update profile at the bottom of the page if you make changes.

For more information about the FCKeditor, consult its User Guide, which is produced by the creators of the editor.


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