ELI scholarship fund needs you!
Dear ELI alumni,
For so many of you who believe the English Language Institute at the University of Delaware to be the first step on your path to educational and professional advancement, would you consider helping others less fortunate? ELI offers scholarships each year to financially needy students. Your contributions will help us expand our scholarship program. There are two easy ways to make a donation:
- Send a check in $US payable to the “University of Delaware” at
the following address: Office of Annual Giving, University of Delaware, Newark
DE 19716. Please be sure to write “ELI” on the
memo line.
- Or go to the University of Delaware’s website www.udel.edu/makeagift, click on the “By Credit Card” box, and complete the gift information form. Be sure to check “other” and type in “ELI” on the lower part of the form. Thank you!
Dr. Scott