PreMBA program prepares students for success
Three alumni of ELI’s PreMBA program have been admitted into a graduate program that is ranked by both U.S. News and World Report and The Wall Street Journal as the best international business MBA program worldwide. Although Ceylan Yilmaz (Turkey ’07), Youngkuk Lim (Korea ’07) and Young Mok Lee (Korea ’05) attended ELI during different sessions and therefore didn’t know each other, the three have now become classmates at Thunderbird University near Phoenix, Arizona. They will earn their Global MBAs after studying for two years.
Another success story for the PreMBA program is the acceptance of Fadime Kar, from Turkey, into the University of Oregon’s law school for the fall 2007 term. Kar is studying for her master's degree in conflict resolution on the Eugene, Oregon, campus. She is proud of being the only international student in the program.
The successful admission of these students into American programs can be traced back to the coaching and encouragement of the PreMBA program designer and instructor, Mary Long. As an integral part of her duties, Long, who holds a master’s degree in finance, makes herself fully available to counsel students applying to American MBA programs. From identifying appropriate programs to explaining the application procedure and then counseling them on their admission essays, Long guides students through the entire application process. ELI congratulates all these students on their successes, knowing that others will follow with their own graduate school admissions. • ML