Professional activities of faculty and staff
Susan Coakley, Faculty
“Re-directing the Flow of University
Intercultural Responsibility” (with Catherine Ross and Eunhee Seo), 41st Annual
TESOL Convention,
Seattle, WA, March 21-24, 2007.
Russ Mason, Faculty
“Developing Oral Intelligibility through
Music,” PennTESOL-East Spring Conference, Penn State-Abington, April 21, 2007.
“Love, Faith, and Hope: Facilitating Learning and Promoting Peace
in the
Classroom and the World,” TESOL CETC Newsletter, Volume 11, Number 1, February
Barbara Morris, Faculty
“ Video in Past, Present and Emerging
Practices,” (with Kenneth Chi Kuo-pin, Kathleen Eilers-Crandell and Elizabeth
Hanson-Smith), 41st Annual TESOL Convention, Seattle, WA, March 21-24, 2007.
Petersen, Faculty
“Grammar Fun,” PennTESOL-East Fall Conference, University of Pennsylvania,
Philadelphia, PA,
October 13, 2007.
Scott Stevens, Director
“Curriculum Development, Student
Outcomes, Assessment and
Accreditation,” (with Numa Markee, Kathleen Romstedt and Nancy Storer),
41st Annual TESOL Convention,
Seattle, WA, March 21-24, 2007.
“English Language Learners: The World at our Doorstep -- Keeping our Promise to Educate All of our Children” CHEP 2007 Alumni Dinner Lecture, Newark, DE, March 5, 2007.