Alumni News

Ainura Madenova

Ainura Madenova   (Kazakhstan ’05) has been working for an American Turkish oil and gas company, North Caspian Constructors, as an administrator and executive assistant for an American project director. After six months on the job she met her soulmate, from Turkey, and the couple got married.

Ali AlHasan  (Kuwait ’92) graduated with a degree in math and electrical engineering and is living with his new bride in the San Francisco Bay area, where he works as a broker for an investment and mortgage company. (See his photo)

Braulio Antron (Puerto Rico ’03) graduated from Hodgson Vocational and Technical High School and is a heavy equipment operator for Greg Ferraro in Wilmington.

Buket Oztuna Cox

Buket Oztuna Cox (Turkey ’97) and husband, former ELI teacher/tutor Sean Cox, welcomed a son, Patrick, in January 2006. After practicing law for several years, Buket returned to school and graduated with a master's in law from George Washington University in 2003. She currently divides her time between Europe and the U.S., working as chief legal counsel for a business development consulting firm based in Germany.

Grzegorz Makowski   (Poland ’06) is currently realizing his dream of flying corporate jets. He returned to the U.S. in the summer for two weeks of training on the Cessna Citation Jet 2 and plans to fly all over Europe.

Ibrahim Alkhaldi  (Saudi Arabia ’82) founded an oil company a few years ago, with operations in North Africa and the Middle East. He now has two daughters and sent his nephew Adel to study at ELI in spring 2007.

Jose Sosa   (Venezuela ’93) received a B.S. from the University of Delaware, retired from the National Guard of Venezuela and is working as a general manager for a security firm. He hopes to enroll his two sons, now 15 and 13, in ELI in the near future.

Judy Chen

Judy Chen  (Taiwan ’04) is working for Teradyne, Inc. in Taiwan as a secretary and training specialist. She is engaged to Greg Dell of Newark, whom she met at the Newark Table Tennis Club when she first came to ELI.

Juno Lo  (Hong Kong ’95) completed her master’s degree in communication and new media from City University of Hong Kong in 2006.

Kei Nakagawa   (Japan ’03) married Akira Katase in a civil ceremony in August 2007, followed in November by a traditional Japanese wedding ceremony in Japan and a western style ceremony on the island of Bali in Indonesia. The couple now lives in Osaka.

Liliana Sierra and
Karsten Brennecke

Liliana Sierra and Karsten Brennecke  (Colombia ’98 and Germany ’98) announced the birth of their son Ricardo on January 22, 2007. The happy family currently reside in Germany and hope to visit family in Colombia soon for Ricardo's baptism

Lyda Eugenia Holguin (Colombia ’06) returned to ELI in 2007 with her fiancι, Gustavo Adolfo Gaviria. They plan to get married in Colombia at the end of the year.

Maria Antonieta Restrepo Hurtado  (Colombia ’07) has been promoted to loan director for Bancolombia in Medellin, Colombia.

Mayra Susana Sarmiento  (Colombia ’01) is an advanced design engineer at Altera Corporation in northern California after completing her Ph.D. in electrical engineering from UD in 2006.

Mayumi Ishihara and
Noboyuki Sanuki

Mayumi Ishihara and Nobuyuki Sanuki (Japan ’88 and ’96) announced the birth of their son Hiroyuki on July 6, 2007. Mayumi graduated from UD in ’92 and received her MBA in ’97. They are living and working in Tokyo.

Mehmet Sabirli  (Turkey ’99) has completed his military service in Turkey and is working for Shell in the customer service department.

Mohammed Ghanin (Yemen ’05) is an undergraduate at the University of Nebraska and visited ELI in August while an intern with a bank in Wilmington.

Rie Miyake  (Japan ’93) is working for a Japanese-German company in Dusseldorf, Germany. She is mainly responsible for purchasing goods from Japan, which her company sells in Europe.

Sudapim Bodhipakti (“Jah”)   (Thailand ’06) spent the summer performing in the Thai musical Fahjrodsai and is now pursuing graduate studies at Shenandoah University in Virginia. In October, she enjoyed a great visit with her former teachers and friends at ELI.

Sung Sook Cho

Sung Sook Cho (Korea ’02) and her husband have bought F&N Cleaners, one of the busiest dry cleaning businesses in North Wilmington.

Yersson Valle   (Chile ’03) graduated from Delaware College of Art and Design in 2006 and is a project manager and landscape designer for Bosello Landscaping in Wilmington.

Perla Delgado


Perla Delgado de Vega (Mexico '06) is living in Texas with her husband and baby son Alex.