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Celebrating the
Class of 2003
Click here for a low-resolution video from UD's 154th Commencement.

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Click here for a picture album from UD’s 154th Commencement.

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About UD's 154th Commencement

6:00 p.m., May 31, 2003--Here are some facts about the University of Delaware’s 154th Commencement, held May 31 in Delaware Stadium.

• Opening the ceremony is the alumni procession, which included representatives from classes of the 1940s through 2002, representing all segments of alumni living in 78 countries throughout the world. This year’s procession includes 28 who are parents and two who are grandparents of graduating seniors, 13 members of the 50th reunion class of 1953 and Matthew Huenerfauth, the 2001 graduate who received a Mitchell Scholarship, named after today’s Commencement speaker. With the Class of 2003, the number of living UD alumni is in excess of 120,000.

• Leading the alumni procession are this year’s recipients of the Alumni Association’s Warner and Taylor awards, which recognize the outstanding senior women and man. These graduating seniors are Julia Kohen and Michael Bogucki.

• Opening the ceremony is the presentation of the colors by members of the University of Delaware Air Force and Army ROTC.

• Graduates come from 44 states in the United States and from 47 countries around the world. On the field are the flags of the 50 states and more than 130 countries that are home to our students, celebrating the role that UD benefactor P.S. du Pont played in establishing the University’s Junior Year Abroad Program, the first program of its kind in the world. Delaware ranks sixth in the nation among schools with study-abroad programs. Graduates who have participated in study abroad during their undergraduate studies will be asked to stand. They wear special sashes that feature the colors of the flags where they studied.

• Grads ranged in age from 20 to 72, with 20 graduates age 60 or older. The oldest bachelor’s degree recipient is Elizabeth Kuchta Melnik, who just turned 72. She is receiving a bachelor of science degree in nursing.

• In 1743, the first class of Francis Alison’s Academy, to which UD traces its origin, included three signers of the Declaration of Independence among its 12 students. The Class of 2003 includes a descendant of one of those first distinguished graduates, George Read. Will Davis of New Castle, who is receiving his bachelor of arts in philosophy degree, is the great-great-great-great-great-great grandson of George Read.

• May 31 is the birthday for eight graduates.

• Five sets of twins are graduating today. They are Matthew and Thomas Franchetti of Erial, N.J.; ,Jenna and Lauren DeCaro of Wyckoff, N.J.; Amber and Dawn Dove of Temple Hills, Md.; Eric and Kevin Cottman of Wilmington; Jennifer and Joanna Schumacher of Hockessin; and Charles and John Sullivan of Chalfont, Pa.

• Graduates include 25 Smiths, 20 Johnsons and 16 Browns.