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Academic Advisors
In the beginning of each academic semester, your department will provide you with a complete list of advisees including new freshman and transfer students. Students can find out who their assigned academic advisor is by accessing UDSIS or by calling their departmental office (FASH @ 831-8713, IFST @ 831-8490, HRIM @ 831-6077, SOE @ 831-2317, LEAD @ 831-8711). Also, visit the Academic Advisement section of this website for Helpful Advisor Tools to assist you in this role.

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Academic Honesty
Students are expected to exercise integrity when completing quizzes, examinations, class assignments, research, papers, and projects. The CHEP College and the University consider academic honesty an integral component of the educational process. Additional information is available in the Student Guide to University Policies.

Course/Credit Overloads
A student must obtain permission from their advisor and the Assistant Dean for Student Services (105 PRS) to register for an increased credit load (18 or more credits) provided they have a cumulative index of 2.5 and an index of 3.0 for the preceding semester. In no instance will they be permitted to register for more than 22 credits including registration as pass/fail or listener. Additional fees must be paid when registering for more than 17 credits.

Course Substitutions
As an advisor, you may initiate the course substitution process if it is warranted and does not jeopardize the integrity of a student's program. Course substitution forms are available in CHEP OSSS, 105 Pearson or your departmental office.

Declaring Majors and Minors
In order to declare a new major/minor, students may contact the academic department that houses the major/minor they are interested in to discuss any requirements, applications and/or deadline dates.

FERPA stands for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 and "grants certain rights, privileges and protections to students concerning educational records maintained by the University". Test your knowledge of FERPA and/or visit the UD Policy and Procedures Manual to see how this law affects you.

Incomplete Grades
An Incomplete (I) grade must be removed no later than the end of the first 2 weeks of the semester immediately following the course in question. Under extenuating circumstances (i.e. prolonged illness), faculty may approve extensions of these limits. Incomplete Grade Extension forms are available in the CHEP OSSS, 105 Pearson.

Pass/Fail Option
Students may choose to take one elective course on a pass/fail basis each term. A letter grade is not given; the student either passes or fails. Credits earned in this way count only as electives, not as fulfilling specific requirements. The total number of credits taken on a pass/fail basis may not exceed 24 in the baccalaureate degree program excluding courses that are graded pass/fail only. A failing grade under the pass/fail option will be counted in the cumulative index.

Repeating a Course
Credits may be counted only once towards a degree. In other words, if a student repeats a course to improve a passing grade, credits may not be counted a second time towards the minimum total credit hours required.

Transfer Credit Evaluation
Students may choose to take courses at other institutions while they are enrolled at UD. Before doing so, they must visit the UD Transfer Center in the Student Services Building and complete a Transfer Credit Evaluation form, which requires signatures from the department offering the University's equivalent course and from their college's assistant dean. If they do not complete this form prior to enrolling in the course, we are not obligated to accept their transfer course(s) and credits. Note: Only credits, not grades, are transferable, and students must earn at least a “C” grade in a course for it to be transferable.

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Class Attendance
At the beginning of each semester, faculty should outline in their syllabus the attendance policy for their course(s) including means of communication about minor illnesses. The authority for excusing all class absences rests with individual faculty members. Absences due to serious illness (e.g. hospitalization, or surgery) or death within a student's immediate family are recognized as excused absences. To validate such absences, a student must present evidence to the CHEP Office of Student Support Services in 105 Pearson Hall, or to Undergraduate Services in 120 Willard Hall for ETE/EDS majors.

Religious holidays
Absences on religious holidays listed in the University calendar are recognized as excused absences. However, it is the student's responsibility to discuss plans to be absent on a particular upcoming holiday with their faculty. Students are fully responsible for all material presented during their absence.

Seat claim policy
Unless excused by the faculty member, students holding a confirmed assigned seat in a class will have to relinquish their seat if they have not personally appeared in class to claim the seat by:

  • the third meeting for a class scheduled to meet three times a week,
  • the second meeting for a class scheduled twice a week,
  • the third meeting of a class scheduled to meet five times a week, or
  • the second meeting for a class scheduled once a week

If they do not claim the seat within the time limit specified above, and do not drop the course, the instructor has the option of assigning the student a grade of "Z" at the end of the term.

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Grade Reports
Grades are only available by accessing the UDSIS personal access system.

Midterm grades
Only freshmen students are issued mid-semester grade reports at the end of the seventh week of each semester. These grade reports are intended to be used by students and advisors for academic advising purposes only and do not become a part of the student's permanent academic record. As an advisor, you will receive a copy of your freshmen advisee's midterm grade reports.

Official transcript
Students may request an official copy of their transcript by filling out an official transcript request form in the Student Services Building, 30 Lovett Avenue or print out and complete the web version of the form. Telephone requests cannot be honored and there is a $5 fee for each request.

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Academic Dismissal
If a student's quality point deficit is more than 12.99 points, they will be dismissed from the University, pending review by the Committee on Undergraduate Records and Certification (CURC).

Academic Probation
If a student's cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 and their quality point deficit is 12.99 points or less, they will be placed on academic probation. This will limit the number of credits for which they may register in the next term. Academic probation will be lifted as soon as the cumulative GPA is at least 2.00.

Freshman 27 or fewer credits
Sophomore 28 to 59 credits
Junior 60 to 89 credits
Senior 90 or more credits

Committee on Undergraduate Records and Certification (CURC)
The University's Committee on Undergraduate Records and Certification (CURC) is an administrative committee that reviews requests for changes to academic records from students who have experienced academic difficulty due to an extenuating circumstance. Documented extenuating circumstances include serious illness, chronic disability, serious family problems, and similar situations. Students should make an appointment with the Assistant Dean of Student Services in CHEP OSSS at 831-2301 to discuss the petition process.

Dean’s List
Student's who complete 12 or more credits, receive passing grades in all courses, and earn a term index of 3.33 or better are placed on the Dean's List.

Good Academic Standing
Students are expected to maintain at least a 2.0 grade point average (GPA) to maintain good academic standing. A minimum average of a C, or a grade point average of 2.0, in all work taken at the University of Delaware is required for the baccalaureate degree.

Grade Point Average (GPA)
Make a copy of this "How to calculate my GPA" chart for student advisees.

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Counseling Services
The Center for Counseling and Student Development, 261 Perkins Student Center, offers individual and group counseling, career development programs, and other special interest workshops for students. Staffed by psychologists and psychiatrists, students may discuss, in a confidential and professional setting, any concerns they may be experiencing.

Individual tutoring, group study sessions, and academic success and study skills workshops are available through the Academic Enrichment Center, located at 148-150 South College Avenue.

Writing Center
Free individual writing assistance in the areas of punctuation, grammar organization, style and documentation are available through The University Writing Center.

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Medical Leave of Absence
An undergraduate student who needs to discontinue his/her studies for medical reasons (e.g., surgery, illness, or other health-related circumstances) may request a medical leave of absence. Verification for the medical leave of absence must be presented to the CHEP Office of Student Support Services (105 PRS) or 120 WHL for ETE/EDS majors.

Academic Leave of Absence
An undergraduate student who wishes to engage in activities related to their educational goals that require them to discontinue registration at the University for a period not to exceed 15 months may be eligible for an Academic Leave of Absence. During this grace period of 15 months, students need not apply for re-admission to register for courses. Please contact the CHEP Office of Student Support Services in 105 Pearson Hall if you have additional questions.

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