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test your knowledge of ferpa


Take this quick True/False quiz to test your knowledge of FERPA:

1. FERPA stands for Family Educational Rights of Public School Administration.

Answer >>

2. The only circumstance in which I can post grades by Social Security number is if a student signs a waiver at the beginning of the semester allowing me to do so.

Answer >>


3. It is acceptable to email grades to students since this form of communication does not fall under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.

Answer >>


1. False… FERPA stands for the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, commonly referred to as FERPA or the Buckley Amendment. It's regulations include established requirements for several aspects pertaining to student records, including the release of information and grades.

2. False… Posting of grades under Social Security number is forbidden under any circumstance.

3. False… Grades cannot be given through phone or email communications.
For additional reminders about FERPA regulations, refer to the August 2001 memorandum from Conrado Gempesaw, Vice Provost for Academic Programs and Planning.

