students aren't even aware of the numerous opportunities available
to enhance their CHEP experience. As faculty and advisors, you
have a unique opportunity in many different settings to promote
one or more of the special opportunities available to CHEP undergraduate
America Reads Program
200 Academy Street ~ 831-0626
Recuits undergraduates to tutor young children in basic reading
skills. For more information contact
Academy Street ~ 831-3000
ASPIRE stands for Academic Support Program Inspiring Renaissance
Educators. This program provides support services for underrepresented
students enrolled in undergraduate teacher education programs.
Student Clubs and Organizations
Summer Scholars
105 Pearson Hall ~ 831-2301
CHEP offers up to ten $3,500 awards to sophomore and junior majors
working on research with CHEP faculty each summer.
Scholar Program
105 Pearson Hall ~ 831-2301
Exceptionally talented and highly motivated students who have
clearly defined educational goals, develop individual programs
of study under the direction of a faculty committee.
Gain valuable hands-on-experience in your field. Great Resume
builder. Contact your department, school, or the MBNA Career Services
Center for internship opportunities inside or outside your field
of study.
(Learning Integrated Freshman Experience)
101 George Read North ~ 831-3330
An academic enrichment program for first-year students who are
not in Honors designed to integrate academic and real-life experiences
by having students live and work together in a learning community.
At least 15 credits of work in over 60 fields of study, minors
offer students an opportunity to study an area of interest less
intensive and comprehensive than a major.
186 South College Avenue ~ 831-2852
Fall, Winter, Spring and Summer Session study abroad programs
allow you to earn academic credit and fulfill University requirements
while experiencing different countries and cultures.
and Winter Sessions
Clayton Hall ~ 831-2853
Optional Academic Sessions where students can earn between 7-
14 credits.
Research Program
12 West Delaware Avenue ~ 831-8995
Faculty are looking for students to assist with their research.
Even as a novice, you can earn academic credit and/or grant money
while learning research techniques.
Honors Program
207 Elliott Hall ~ 831-1195
Serves students of high ability and demonstrated academic achievement
with challenging classroom experiences and enriched co-curricular