Academic Support Program Inspiring Renaissance Educators (ASPIRE)
Open to all teacher education majors, ASPIRE promotes the recruitment,
retention and successful graduation of minorities in teaching
at the elementary and secondary levels. The activities of the
organization encourage the professional development of pre-service
teachers through the forging of relationships with professionals
in the broader educational community. Contact
Barb VanDornick, 831-3000, bvandorn@udel.edu.
CHEP Ambassadors support the efforts and commitment of the college
through recruitment, outreach, and service including university
open houses, college receptions, college committees, and alumni
events. CHEP Ambassadors must be a declared major in the college
and have a minimum of a 2.5 GPA to apply. Applicants must possess
solid communication skills, be friendly, enthusiastic, dependable
and outgoing, and enjoy meeting new people. Contact
Kim Yackoski, 105 Pearson Hall, 831-2301, yackoski@udel.edu.
Council on Human Services
Open to all interested students. The purpose of the Council of
Human Services is to provide a support system for Human Services
majors, Family and Community Services majors, graduate students
in Applied Family Studies and other UD undergraduate and graduate
students desiring a career in human services. Contact
Dr. Donald Unger, 111 Alison Hall West, 831-2969, unger@udel.edu.
Merchandising Club
Open to anyone interested in fashion, with preference to majors,
this club increases student knowledge regarding careers and promotes
networking within the fashion industry. Contact
Professor Karen Schaeffer, 215 Alison Hall West, 831-8543, kschaef@udel.edu.
Kappa Delta Pi
Those elected to membership are teacher education majors (from
all teaching fields) who exhibit the ideals of scholarship, high
personal standards, and promise in teaching and allied professions.
Students are invited who have attained at least second semester
sophomore status and a 3.25 or better GPA. The completion of at
least 20 hours of community service is required. To promote excellence
in and recognize outstanding contributions to education, Kappa
Delta Pi endeavors to maintain a high degree of professional fellowship
among its members, to quicken professional growth, and honor achievement
in educational work. Contact
Dr. Brad Glass, 132C Willard Hall, 831-1653, bjglass@udel.edu.
Omicron Nu- Alpha Upsilon Chapter
Open to juniors and seniors with at least 45 UD credit hours and
minimum 3.3 GPA; graduate students with at least 12 UD credit
hours and 3.5 GPA. Promotes scholarship, leadership and service
in fields within Fashion and Apparel Studies; Hotel, Restaurant
and Institutional Management; Individual and Family Studies; Leadership;
Nutrition and Dietetics and CHEP. Contact
CHEP-OSSS, 105 Pearson Hall, 831-2301.
LEAD Council
The Lead Council's goal is to help students develop and exercise
their leadership capabilities. This is done through networking/meeting
with other students and faculty, connecting with established leaders
in the public and private sectors, engaging in volunteer programs
such as the Jefferson Awards Youth Initiative, and participating
in fun activities. Lead Council members are given the opportunity
to improve their leadership skills while helping the community
around them. Lead Council also strives to provide students with
experiences that will help them explore future career paths. Open
to all students, university wide (especially for leadership, communication,
psychology and business majors.) Contact
Dr. Tony Middlebrooks, 188A Graham Hall, 831-8548, tmiddleb@udel.edu.
Association for the Education of Young Children (SAEYC)
National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)
SAEYC and NAEYC provide information for students interested in
the needs of young children and provides opportunities for students
to plan and implement events and activities with a focus on advocating
for all children. Membership is open to anyone interested in young
children. Contact 111 Alison
Hall West, 831-2969.
Council for Exceptional Children (SCEC)
SCEC provides students from all majors with the opportunity to
plan and deliver activities for students with disabilities, and
to have membership in a professional organization that is committed
to improving educational outcomes for students with exceptionalities.
Contact Dr. Gary Allison,
017 Willard Hall, 831-4217, gsa@udel.edu.
Open to all majors, Synergy provides extra-curricular activities
that promote the talents of those interested in fashion design.
Contact Dr. Belinda Orzada,
303 Alison Hall West, 831-8709, orzada@udel.edu.

UDress is a multidisciplinary Fashion-based club with members
whose majors are Fashion Merchandising and Apparel Design, English,
Journalism, Art, Business, and Communications. The club publishes
the UDress Magazine and offers students opportunities in fashion
reporting, photography, and magazine layout and publication. Contact
Dr. Delia Lopez-Gydosh, 302 Alison Hall West, 831-6593, dlopezgy@udel.edu.