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registration reminders and procedures

Reminder #1
Have you talked to your advisor before making any changes? Just because your friend down the hall thinks it is a good idea for you to drop or add a course doesn't mean your academic advisor will agree. You should always consult with your advisor prior to making any changes to your course schedule!

Reminder #2
Are you familiar with the deadlines and procedures associated with registration? It is your responsibility to be knowledgeable and aware of these deadlines and familiar with our policies. Here is a chart to help:


Pink Course Permit, Signatures of Instructor, Dean Yackoski, $20

Pink Course Permit Form, Signatures of Instructor, Dean Yackoski, $20
$20, "W" Grade,
No Tuition Refund

Pink Course Permit Form, Signatures of Instructor, Dean Yackoski, $20, "W" "WF" "F" on Transcript


Pink Course Permit
Form, Signatures of Instructor, Dean Yackoski, $20


Pink Course Permit Form, Signature of Dean Yackoski, $20


Pink Course Permit Form, Signatures of Instructor, Dean Yackoski, $20


Pink Course Permit Form, Signatures of Instructor, Dean Yackoski, $20

*What does this all mean?

Reminder #3
Don't wait until the last minute to schedule an appointment with your advisor regarding registration for next semester. Obtain registration information early, log onto UDSIS for online registration information, and review Important Dates and Deadlines for registration periods. Finally, come prepared to your advisement session. Have an idea of what you want to take and come prepared with questions.

Chart Summary:

During the first two weeks of the semester...
You are able to make changes to your schedule and no fee is charged; this is known as the Free Drop/Add period. This includes dropping or adding a course, as well as changing grade status to Pass/Fail or Audit. Tuition is charged for those courses in which you are registered for at the end of the second week and there is no tuition rebate given if you withdraw from a course after this deadline. If another course is added after the second week, and the previous registration plus the additional course exceed 17 credits, additional tuition is charged. Freshman students should always see their advisor before making any registration changes.

During Weeks 3 through 8 of the semester...
You are able to drop a course or change your grading status (changing a letter grade to a pass/fail or audit), by using the UDSIS Access System. If you withdraw from a course, you will be charged a late fee, a grade of "W" will appear on the transcript for courses dropped during this period, and tuition will be charged for course withdrawals.

From the 9th Week through the last day of classes for the semester...
Any changes after the eighth week of class requires approval of the Assistant Dean for Student Services (105 Pearson or 120 Willard for ETE/EDS majors). Approval is granted only when a documented, non-academic extenuating circumstance exists (i.e. serious illness, emotional difficulties, or a family crisis). Approval will not be given because of failing grades, circumstances resulting from a change of major, or student error in registration.


