Spring 2002
- Educated the campus community about excessive paper usage and waste
and provided suggestions for ways in which they could reduce
their paper usage.
- Created a campus-wide
committee to evaluate paper use in IT-managed campus computing
- Evaluated print-managment software. VendPrint software was chosen
for its features, cost effectiveness, and ability to work with the
UD FLEX card.
Fall 2002
- Installed VendPrint "print release stations" in test sites.
- Instructed users how to select a job to be printed using the print
release station. Print jobs that were wasted previously were not released,
thereby decreasing paper usage.
- Met with DUSC and academic administrators to explain the goals of
the program.
Spring 2003
- Installed ID card readers at print release stations.
- Instructed users how to select a job to print from a release station
by swiping their UD ID card.
- Explained to users that no fee was charged to their UD FLEX account
at that time.
- Established printing fee for fall 2003.