University of Delaware
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Out-of-this-world nanoscience

Out-of-this-world nanoscience

Welcome to the world of the wee, where atoms are the building blocks of new construction. What are UD's explorations in the realm of the infinitesimal yielding? Venture with us from the bottom of the ocean to outer space. ...
New Faculty

UD's new faculty

UD has been fortunate to be able to hire stellar faculty in critical areas in tough economic times. Meet a half-dozen of them here. Why did they choose UD? What studies will they undertake? And what else should we know about them?
Cole Galloway

The drive to explore

"Toddlers will paint your new furniture with chocolate pudding, force pants into the dishwasher and try to ride the cat — and that's all before breakfast," says Cole Galloway. Now, thanks to toy racecars his team is adapting, kids with special needs can explore the world, too.
Lu Ann De Cunzo

Unearthing New Castle's storied past

There’s a time-stood-still feeling that permeates old New Castle, with a past so rich that walking the cobblestone street is like entering an 18th-century painting. Lu Ann De Cunzo is helping to uncover the history of this American gem.
Mary Dozier

The ABCs of
successful parenting

Through her Infant Caregiver Project, Mary Dozier is helping parents adopting internationally, foster parents and others to interact in ways that will help their young children, an approach called "ABC" for "Attachment and Behavioral Catch-Up."
Jeff Frey

Computing cluster
named for Mills

This 5,000-processor, high-performance computing cluster, which hummed into operation at UD early this year, has been named "Mills" in honor of David L. Mills, the UD professor emeritus and Internet pioneer.