Frequently Asked Questions
What does BADER mean?
The BADER acronym stands for Bridging Advanced Developments for Exceptional Rehabilitation and was inspired by the story of Sir Douglas Bader. To learn more about Sir Bader, click here.
How was the BADER Consortium funded?
The BADER Consortium was funded by the Congressionally Directed Medical Research Program (CDMRP) through the Peer Reviewed Orthopaedic Rehabilitation Program (PRORP). Click here to learn more about CDMRP.
What was the BADER Research Competitive Enhancement Model?
The BADER research competitiveness enhancement model system included research capacity-building components, research-support components, and initiative-launching studies. It was based on the Institutional Development Award (IDeA) Network of Biomedical Research Excellence (INBRE) program – a component of the research capacity-building IDeA program of National Institutes of Health. The BADER Consortium used this proven model to enhance the research capacity at MTF sites in partnership with the VA, academia, and industry making it possible for more innovative, high-impact research to be conducted.
How was the BADER CRADA established?
To establish a Consortium Cooperative Research And Development Agreement (CRADA), examples of CRADAs from the Navy, Army, and the NIH were gathered. The content of each example CRADA was reviewed and categorized. Like categories were then combined and systematically reduced to establish generalized guidelines in each CRADA activity category. Each category was then tested against applicable federal regulations and active policies. The resulting “master” Consortium CRADA was virtually exercised using an array of Consortium-related scenarios. The resulting policy and implementation procedures such as on-boarding projects and the declaration and approval of amendments were developed. Prior to full implementation, the BADER master CRADA was trialed at two Government sites. It was used to rapidly onboard, six (6) partner institutions within four (4) months of completing its development and testing.