Research Projects
The Bridging Advanced Developments for Exceptional Rehabilitation (BADER) Consortium was not just about conducting research projects; it’s central focus was returning injured service members to their optimal levels of performance. Multi-disciplinary teams of researchers and clinicians at the study sites identified rehabilitation challenges and the research projects emerged naturally.

BADER-Funded Projects
Eight clinical research projects totaling $7.7 million.
Reached a target enrollment of 71% and 97% of 988 non-duplicate enrolled study subjects completed their respective study protocol.
The career status of 620 (or 63%) of the 988 study participants was active military, veteran, or reservist.
Produced 18 study-specific publications and 109 study specific abstracts/professional presentations.
They were:
Goal: Improve the dynamic walking stability in traumatic lower-limb amputees.
Study Team:
Jonathan Dingwell, PhD
Penn State University
Jason M. Wilken, PhD
University of Iowa
Goal: Help subjects return to a high level of performance through walk-to-run training with real-time kinetic feedback.
Study Team:
Irene Davis, PhD
Spaulding National Running Center
Alison Pruziner, DPT
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
Trauma Outcomes
Goal: A qualitative study of patient-reported outcomes measures in people with major limb trauma to measure their level of recovery.
Study Team:
David Tulsky, PhD
University of Delaware Center for Assessment Research and Translation
Marilynn Wyatt, MPT
Naval Medical Center, San Diego
Jason Wilken, PhD
University of Iowa
K2 Power
Goal: Identify differences in gait, efficiency, function and quality of life between using a standard passive prosthesis versus a powered BiOM ankle prosthesis for lower-limb amputees who have been identified as K2 or K3.
Study Team:
Alison Pruziner, DPT
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
David Tulsky, PhD
University of Delaware Center for Assessment Research and Translation
Joseph Webster, MD
VHA Amputation System of Care
Goal: Seek a science-based method for prescribing running-specific leg prosthesis for soldiers and veterans with transtibial amputations to optimize sprinting and running performance.
Study Team:
Alena Grabowski, PhD
University of Colorado Boulder Applied Biomechanics Lab
Rodger Kram, PhD
University of Colorado Boulder Locomotion Laboratory
MORE (Maximizing Outpatient Rehabilitation Effectiveness)
Goal: Assess rehabilitation outcomes in the clinical environment to support evidence-based practice in military treatment facilities.
Study Team:
Jason Wilken, PhD
University of Iowa
David Tulsky, PhD
University of Delaware Center for Assessment Research and Translation
Amy Bowles, MD
Brooke Army Medical Center
Outcomes Toolbox
Goal: Develop a toolbox of outcomes measures to serve as common data elements across research studies and clinical evaluations.
Study Team:
David Tulsky, PhD
University of Delaware Center for Assessment Research and Translation
Jerry Slotkin, PhD
University of Delaware Center for Assessment Research and Translation
Callie Tyner, PhD
University of Delaware Center for Assessment Research and Translation
Aaron Boulton, PhD
University of Delaware Center for Assessment Research and Translation
Ruck Foot
Goal: Determine the criteria for identifying prosthetic foot characteristics that best support physically demanding tasks.
Study Team:
Barri L. Schnall, MPT
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
Andrew Hansen PhD
Minneapolis VA Health Care System
Bradford Hendershot, PhD
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
Joan Bechtold, PhD
Minneapolis Medical Research Foundation
BADER-Supported Projects
In addition to funding innovative, high-impact and clinically relevant research projects, the Consortium deployed 18 BADER Consortium paid staff to study locations and provided administrative and scientific assistance to develop a research infrastructure at these locations.
While supporting the BADER-funded studies was priority, these staff also supported 86 active research studies at 4 military treatment facilities.
They were:
PI Institution |
PI Last Name |
Creighton |
Biomechanical and physiological measures wearing and energy storing and returning orthosis |
Givens |
Harvard Spaulding National Running Center |
Clinical outcomes assessment during prosthetics and orthotics care |
Davis |
The influence of heel wedge properties on roll-over characteristics of the intrepid dynamic exoskeletal orthosis |
Davis |
Vitalize-game based wellbeing research initiative |
Jamison |
VRFROGGER: Stability of transtibial amputees during lateral walking transitions |
Jamison |
Naval Medical Center Portsmouth |
Vacuum assisted socket system (VASS) |
Iveson |
RehabEAmp |
Lashbaugh |
Psychologically based physical therapy (PBPT Carrier; see detials below) |
Weiser |
Development of the comprehensive high-level activity mobility predictor (champ) – phase ii |
Ziemke |
Osteointegration ROM and ADL improvement testing |
Ziemke | |
Naval Medical Center San Diego |
Evaluation of physical performance measures for the assessment of disability in patients with femoroacetabular impingement (FAI) syndrome |
Eskridge |
Advanced prosthetic gait training tool: Alignment modifications |
Farrokhi |
VRMet (Virtual reality metabolism) |
Kingsbury |
Comparison of transtibial and limb salvage functional outcomes |
Shawn Farrokhi |
Trunk muscle coordination and lumbosacral kinetics in service members with unilateral lower-extremity amputation |
Wingate |
A retrospective study on the relationship between gait symmetry and energy expenditure during over ground walking for individuals with unilateral, transfemoral amputations |
Wyatt |
Assessing risk factors for cardiovascular disease in individuals with traumatic amputations |
Wyatt |
Biomechanical and cognitive changes of walking in virtual environment |
Wyatt |
Biomechanical variability with changes in cognitive demand during ambulation for service members with lower limb amputations |
Wyatt |
Brace comparison case study |
Wyatt |
Clinical outcomes in a cohort of service members with traumatic, unilateral transfemoral amputations |
Wyatt |
Development of a gait quality index to be utilized across the department of defense |
Wyatt |
Evaluation of knee joint health in individuals with unilateral lower extremity trauma |
Wyatt |
Factors influencing rehabilitation effectiveness in the restoration of physical function in the military amputee |
Wyatt |
Nada study |
Wyatt |
OA protocol |
Wyatt |
Ohio State University |
Onate |
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago |
Efficacy of a real-time feedback intervention to correct seated posture |
Perreault |
San Antonio Military Medical Center/Center for the Intrepid |
Characterizing motion in the intrepid dynamic exoskeletal orthosis (IDEO) using videofluoroscopy |
Bedigrew |
MORE resiliency |
Bowels |
BFR DISTRAD: Blood flow restricted training during rehabilitation following distal radius fracture repair. |
Cancio |
Advanced prosthetic gait training tool: Phase 2 |
Fergason |
Supplementing gait training with real-time feedback to optimize walking energetics following amputation |
Ikeda |
The effect of ankle-foot orthosis type on biomechanical gait parameters in patients undergoing limb salvage after severe lower extremity trauma |
Ikeda |
Epidemiology studies with NHRC – secondary musculoskseletal conditions in persons with amputations |
Rabago |
Retrospective administrative limited duty outcomes: Follow-up |
Rabago |
Establishing a data set of qualitative and quantitative gait data in control subjects using a 6DOF marker set |
Russell-Esposito |
Risk factors and rehabilitation utilization patterns associated with development of secondary musculoskeletal conditions after traumatic major limb amputation |
Russell-Esposito |
Comprehensive treatment strategy for chronic low back pain in a patient with bilateral transfemoral amputations integrating changes in prosthetic socket design |
Sheean |
Changes in cerebral cortical activation and networking during adaptation to split-belt walking |
Wilken |
Development of adaptive vacuum suspension to improve prosthetic fit and residual limb health |
WIlken |
Effects of powered prosthetic ankle plantar flexion on metabolic economy and gait adaptability |
Wilken |
Evaluations of spine health and spine mechanics in service members with lower-extremity trauma |
Wilken |
Functional evaluation of patients after limb salvage or transtibial amputation |
Wilken |
High level functional activities for patients with amputations |
Wilken |
High-dimensional, intuitive interface for a biomimetic, variable impedance arm prosthesis |
Wilken |
Improved training method for advanced rehabilitation of warfighters with lower extremity trauma |
Wilken |
Improved training method for rapid rehabilitation of lower extremity amputees and limb salvage patients |
Wilken |
Improving energy return and residual limb climate in the |
Wilken |
Investigation of trunk muscle activities with lumbosacral kinetics during over-ground walking in service members with unilateral lower-extremity amputation |
Wilken |
Level belt validation |
Wilken |
LS |
Wilken |
Modulation of ground reaction force impulse while walking in a virtual reality based environment |
Wilken |
Running study |
Wilken |
Spatiotemporal gait parameters, quality of life and overall outcomes in patients who have undergone late amputation after failed limb preservation |
Wilken |
The use of quantitative SPECT/CT imaging to assess residual limb health |
Wilken |
Toolbox 2.0 |
Wilken |
Spinal loads during activities of daily living: Influences of lower limb amputation |
Wilken/Rabago |
Split-belt treadmill adaptation for service members with unilateral lower extremity amputation |
Wilken/Rebago |
Walter Reed Bethesda |
The effect of prosthesis type on energy expenditure during running following unilateral transfemoral amputation |
Darter |
Initial validation of a virtual reality-based, military-specific treatment tool for injured service members |
Dearth |
Real time bio-feedback during running rehabilitation |
Dearth |
RTD FACTORS: Identification of factors that influence return to duty |
Dearth |
Virtual coach- development and feasibility of a virtual training tool for upper extremity myoelectric prosthesis and orthotics care |
Dearth |
Gatmaitan |
Development of a mobile gait analysis system for lower-limb amputee high-level activity rehabilitation |
Hendershot |
Development of sub-ischial prosthetic sockets with assisted-vacuum suspension for highly active persons with transfemoral amputations |
Hendershot |
Hendershot |
Novel data analysis techniques to characterize gait mechanics following severe lower limb trauma |
Hendershot |
OA Fxn |
Hendershot |
Physical and cognitive assessment battery for severely injured service members |
Hendershot |
A pilot study to test the efficacy of psychologically-based physical therapy training for treating deployed us sailors and marines with musculoskeletal injuries |
Pruziner |
Clinical and radiographic outcomes following anterior cervical discectomy and fusion versus anterior cervical discectomy and arthroplasty in active duty service members |
Pruziner |
Differences in biomechanics during barefoot running with altered plantar cutaneous sensation by foot sole tape |
Pruziner |
Gait retraining for individuals with unilateral lower extremity amputation using a mobile device to provide real-time feedback |
Pruziner |
Identifying obstacles and facilitators of work re-integration in active duty sailors and marines with deployment and/or combat-related musculoskeletal injuries |
Pruziner |
Investigation of running mechanics in healthy runners |
Pruziner |
Mobile monitoring of gait (amputees and runners) |
Pruziner |
Retrospective administrative limited duty outcomes |
Pruziner |
A novel regenerative rehabilitation approach for treatment of post-traumatic knee osteoarthritis |
Saha |
Comparing functional outcomes in low energy Lisfranc injuries treated with ORIF vs. primary arthrodesis |
Schnall |
Retrospective: Patient-reported outcomes |
Schnall |
Comparison of 3D gait analysis data across DoD sites |
Scoville |
Factors influencing rehabilitation effectiveness in the restoration of physical function in the military amputee |
Hendershot |
Improving dynamic walking stability in traumatic amputees |
Hendershot |
PBPT Carrier
Goal: Determine the effect of psychologically based physical therapy (PBPT) to address maladaptive beliefs and increase self-efficacy of deployed service members aboard a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier.
Study PI:
Sherri Weiser, PhD
Occupational and Industrial Orthopedics Center, New York Hospital for Joint Diseases