Professional activities of faculty and staff Through their presentations, publications and leadership, ELI faculty and professional staff continued to serve their profession and the community in 2005. Susan G. Coakley, Faculty “Using Technology in the Classroom: Use of Powerpoint,Webquests and Blogs,” Closing Conference for 2004 Chilean Teacher Study Abroad Programs, Santiago, Chile, July 5, 2005. “Identity Issues in ESOL students,” 39th Annual TESOL Convention, San Antonio, TX, March 30-April 2, 2005. “Avoiding Burnout for Young and Older ESL Teachers” (with Janet Louise), 39th Annual TESOL Convention, San Antonio, TX, March 30-April 2, 2005. Leadership positions: Co-Vice Chair, TESOL Intercultural Interest Section, 2005-2006. Executive Board, TESOL Liaison, PennTESOL-East, 2002-2005. Chair, CHEP College Council, 2004-2005. Leslie Criston, Faculty “How do we facilitate meaningful intercultural interactions between ESL students and native speakers?” Panelist for Higher Education: PennTESOL-East Fall Conference, Penn State Abington, Abington, PA, November 13, 2004. Lisa Grimsley, Faculty Janice Lefebvre, Faculty Janet Louise, Faculty Leadership position: Russ Mason, Faculty Barbara Morris, Faculty "Video Vocabulary Vignettes,” 39th Annual TESOL Convention, San Antonio, TX, March 30-April 2, 2005. “Video Production for Classroom Use,” 39th Annual TESOL Convention, San Antonio, TX, March 30-April 2, 2005. Publication: Leadership position: Scott Stevens, Director Mary Beth Worrilow, Faculty "How do we facilitate meaningful intercultural interactions between ESL students and native speakers?” Panelist for Higher Education: PennTESOL-East Fall Conference, Penn State Abington, Abington, PA, November 13, 2004. |