CAP students admitted to the University of Delaware
The English Language Institute congratulates the following students
for being admitted to the University of Delaware via its Conditional
Admission Program (CAP): in 2005, Xiao Li, China; Iman Hanna, Egypt;
Hiroyuki Suzui, Japan; Aida Abdulmenova, Russia; Kwi-Bok Lee, South
Korea; and Deniz Ayaz, Turkey; and in January 2006, Xiao Yan Sun,
China; Karin Nagasawa, Japan; and Hak-Seung Lee, South Korea.
be admitted to the university through CAP, students must successfully
complete the English for Academic Purposes Level VI Listening/Speaking
and Reading/Writing classes and be recommended by ELI. Students
approved for CAP need not take the TOEFL exam.
Students who are
academically admissible to their choice of degree program at the
university but have not yet passed the TOEFL requirements and wish
to become part
of CAP may inquire through ELI’s admissions counselor, Kelly Galvin. The application
form can be found on line at