Personnel notes
A friend to all and a surrogate mother to many, ELI secretary
Dolly Desiderio accepted a promotion in July to work in
the Office of Residential Life. We miss her already.
Joe Matterer was promoted
to associate director in April, employing his talents in the position
previously held by incomparable Katharine Schneider, who retired
at the end of March (see article "Katharine Schneider
Deborah Detzel, an
energetic teacher and administrator,
replaced Joe as ELI’s assistant director.
Ruth Jackson brought her distinguished
ELI teaching career to a close in June, when she retired after 19 years of
dedicated service.
Teacher and tutor Wendy Bulkowski returned to
ELI from a two-year stint
as visiting professor for Kobe Shoin Women’s University.
Long-time tutor Patrick Ruffin decided to pursue his
passion for cars and accepted a position as coordinator for web-based
sales with a large automobile dealership.
indefatigable Ken Cranker, teacher and SALC coordinator, also became the
coordinator of the Tutoring Center.