ALLEI continues to train lawyers and law students In July, ELI offered its twentieth American Law and Legal English Institute (ALLEI) to lawyers and law students from Brazil, Japan, Panama, Saudi Arabia and Turkey.
The students came together for four intensive weeks of classes in Legal English and American Law, along with professional visits to a variety of courts, law firms and government offices in Delaware, New York City and Washington, D.C. Participants studied the U.S. court systems and then attended criminal and civil trials in Delaware Superior Court. They also attended a Delaware Supreme Court oral argument and were then welcomed by the justices. Students also met with several attorneys in law firms in Delaware and New York City. “The lawyers and judges of Delaware’s legal community have been very supportive of the ALLEI program and are always happy to meet with colleagues from around the world,” said Chris Wolfe, a Delaware attorney and ELI’s legal studies coordinator. “They often say that they learn as much from our students as the students may learn from them.” Delaware is ideally situated for the ALLEI program, which started in 1994 and is regularly offered twice a year, because it is close to both the financial center of New York City and the federal government in Washington and because it is a center of U.S. corporate and commercial law, Wolfe explained. “A meeting at the Delaware Division of Corporations was particularly relevant,” said Wolfe. “Many students already knew that Delaware was the center of U.S. corporation law but didn’t understand why until attending this program.” For those interested in learning more about ALLEI, contact Chris Wolfe at |