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tips for making referrals
  • Be knowledgeable and familiar with UD's on-campus resources that may assist in your student's success.
  • Visit on-campus resources and become acquainted with the staff and services these offices provide.
  • Listen for cues that may imply the need for a referral. Low mid-terms may be a sign of not putting in the time, but it could also be the result of financial difficulties. Take the time to listen and understand the nature of a concern so that you are making the appropriate referral.
  • Provide the student with a name, location and telephone number of the office to which you are referring them.
  • Be flexible and supportive. There may be a time when you want to escort a student to an office due to the critical nature of their issue.
  • Follow-up with students on the referrals you have made either by phone or during your next meeting.
  • Facilitate the connection and point them in the right direction but remember that it is ultimately the student's responsibility to follow through on referrals.
  • Document referrals in your UD Notes. This makes it easier to remember where you left off during your last appointment.

