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As an advisor, you have experienced first hand how students develop, both academically and personally, from freshman through senior years. Since each student is unique, recognizing and responding to their various needs can be challenging.

This chart serves as a reminder of the many academic and personal issues students face. Be proactive! Use your advisor role to assist students during these various developmental stages.

Academic and Personal Issues Advisor's Role

transitional period, fear of failing, increased vulnerability, independence/separation issues, uncertain about requirements and/or if in right major


be accessible, a good listener, able to make referrals, knowledgeable about major requirements/policies and procedures.

increased self awareness, still dealing with lack of self confidence yet expect more of oneself, increased campus involvement.


be accessible, reinforce student's ability to succeed academically, encourage self exploration.
Junior more relaxed, searching for ways to enhance academic experience, beginning to connect course work to the real world.

be accessible, relationship becomes more mentor based rather than information dissemination, discuss future plans, encourage special opportunities (i.e. study abroad, minors, service learning, undergraduate research, internships).



very reflective, worried about completing graduation requirements, anxious about the future, questioning job search versus graduate school.


be accessible, mentor relationship critical, continue discussion of future plans, meet with student to verify graduation date and remaining coursework, write recommendations.
