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advisor's checklist

  It is easy for my advisees to make an appointment to see me.
  I would feel comfortable asking one of my advisees to write me a recommendation.
  I know how to review graduation requirements with my advisees and I am very familiar with the various courses offered by my department and the prerequisites of each.
  I have a clear understanding of how to advise students who are failing.
  I am knowledgeable about resources and services on campus and can demonstrate how to find information.
  I consistently use UD Advisor Notes to create back up notes on all my advisee appointments, and use it to contact all my advisees, and to keep track of who I have met with and for what reason.
  I'm very familiar with the CHEPOSSS website and use it to access information for both myself and my advisees.
  I try to help my advisees understand and work within University policies.
  Regardless of my personal opinion or feelings about a student, I strive to give all students accurate information and sound advice.
  I am ready to share information regarding career opportunities and alumni experiences relevant to my academic field.
  I encourage students to think beyond current semester planning to accommodate course sequencing, graduation expectations and relevant work experience.
  I gather information about students in preparation for student appointments so that I can make best use of limited time.
  I do not make decisions for my advisees, but help them make their own decisions.
  I peruse the CHEP OSSS newsletter “the advisor” each month to keep abreast of timely information relevant to advisement and upcoming academic deadlines, AND I encourage my advisees to do the same.


