Global Agenda 2004




Dinner Assignments & Policy - Updated

Guest Speaker Days

Assignments are posted here:

Assignment 1

Assignment 1H

Assignment 2

Assignment 3

Assignment 3H

Assignment 4

Assignment 4H

Assignment 5

Assignment 5H

Syllabus - Updated 5-4-04

In class meetings will be held in Gore 219


2.18.04 | 2.25.04 | 3.03.04 | 3.10.04 | 3.17.04 | RECESS|
3.31.04 | 4.7.04 | 4.14.04 | 4.21.04 | 4.28.04 | 5.5.04 | 5.12.04 | 5.19.04

What happens on guest lecture days?

February 11, 2004
Class Seminar: Overview
Readings: Overview readings
Begin reading from anthology
Assignment 1 assigned
Assignment 1H assigned

February 18, 2004

Matrix of Terror:
New Global Dangers

David Rothkopf

Rothkopf founded Intellibridge, an open-source n intelligence analysis firm. He was previously managing director of Kissinger Associates, and a former Commerce Department official during the Clinton administration. He has written about terrorism and other global threats for the New York Times, Washington Post, Financial Times, Foreign Affairs, and others. He recently wrote about terrorism aimed at disrupting the U.S. election year.

Readings: Overview readings


Febuary 25, 2004

Class Seminar
Readings: Overview readings
Begin reading from anthology
Assignment 1 & 1H due
Assignment 2 issued

March 3, 2004

Fire & Brimstone:

Weapons of mass destruction

Amb. Robert Gallucci

Readings: Fire & Brimstone
Web readings
Anthology: Perry & Allison


March 10, 2004
NOTE: This speaker event will be held in Clayton Hall

Old Europe:
Trusted allies or unfaithful friends?

Amb. jean-David Levitte

Ambassador of France to the U.S.

Ambassador Levitte served as senior advisor to French President Jacques Chirac from 1995-2000, when he was appointed to represent France at the United Nations. Since 2002, Ambassador Levitte has served as France's ambassador to the United States.

Readings: Old Europe
Web readings
Anthology: Gordon, Moravcsik


March 17, 2004
Class Seminar
Assignment 2 due today
Group presentations today in class

March 24, 2004

March 31, 2004

Snakes in the Sand:
the Arab and Muslim worlds

Zahir Jamal

United National Development Programme, Editor of Arab Human Development report

Kenton Keith

Meridian Int'l Center, Washington; former U.S. diplomat in the Arab and Muslim worlds

Zahir Jamal is chief of Arab regional programs for UNDP and principle editor of the annual UN report which first critiqued the Arab world in 2002.

Ambassador Keith recently served as U.S. spokesman in Islamabad, Pakistan during the 2002 war in Afghanistan. He previously spent his diplomatic career representing the United States in the Arab world.

Readings: Snakes in the Sand
Web readings
Anthology: Rubin, Mazrui, Gause, Fuller
Assignment 3 & 3H issued. Due April 14

April 7, 2004
Note: This class will be held in Gore 102
Class Seminar with special guest:

Yasser Thabet

Broadcast editor, al-Jazeera, Qatar

Yasser Thabet is a broadcast news editor for al-Jazeera television, the Arabic language satellite news channel which serves the Middle East.

Readings: Snakes in the Sand
Web readings
Anthology: Rubin, Mazrui, Gause, Fuller


April 14, 2004

Partner or challenger

William Perry

(former) U.S. Defense Secretary

William Perry was Defense Secretary during the Clinton administration serving in top Pentagon posts from 1993-1997, as well as from 1977-1981. He currently codirects the Preventive Defense Project, a research collaboration of Stanford and Harvard Universities.

Readings: China
Web readings
Anthology: Heginbotham, Segal
Assignment 3 & 3H due today
Assignment 4 & 4H issued.
Due April 28

April 21, 2004
Class Seminar

April 28, 2004

Working with the Enemy: Intrusive Inspections

David Kay

CIA and United Nations weapons inspector in Iraq, advisor to Presidents Bush senior, Clinton, Bush

David Kay was the UN's chief nuclear weapons inspector after the 1991 Gulf War against Iraq, leading numerous teams into Iraq to hunt for hidden weapons programs. He was held hostage by Saddam Hussein for four days. Recently, Kay was appointed by President Bush to re-enter Iraq on the search for weapons of mass destruction after the U.S. invasion and occupation. He resigned from the CIA post after concluding that no such weapons would be found.

Readings: Review Fire & Brimstone
Web readings
Anthology: Perry & Allison
More to come
Assignment 4 & 4H due today

May 5, 2004
Class Seminar

May 12, 2004

North Korea:
Last Bastion of Stalinism:

John Merrill

Chief, Northeast Asia division
Bureau of Intelligence and Research
U.S. Department of State

Readings: Last Bastion of Stalinism
Web readings
Anthology: Cha, Abramowitz & Bosworth
Assignment 5 & 5H issued.
Due May 19

May 19, 2004
Class Seminar (last class)
All writing assignments due today