University of Delaware Office of the Registrar

Grading Information and Deadlines

For grading problems or questions, please e-mail the registrar or call 831-1552.

Grading Deadlines

Grades are due 72 hours after the final examination.

Term Code MidTerm Grade Deadline Last Day of Finals Final Grades Due
Fall 2012 2128 Fri., 10-12-12 Fri., 12-14-12 Tues., 12-18-12
Winter 2013 2131 NA Sat., 2-2-13 Wed., 2-6-13
Spring 2013 2133 Fri., 3-22-13 Thurs., 5-23-13 Tues., 5-28-13
Summer I- 2013 2135 NA Sat., 7-6-13 Wed., 7-10-13
Summer 7 1/2- 2013 2135 NA Thurs., 7-25-13 Tues., 7-30-13
Summer II- 2013 2135 NA Fri., 8-9-13 Wed., 8-14-13

Distribution of Grade Rosters

Rosters will be available beginning approximately one week prior to the last day of classes. Grades must be submitted 72 hours after the final exam. If no exam is scheduled, the grade submission deadline defaults to the due date.

Faculty may access their online rosters for grading via the UDSIS Faculty Center.

  1. Access UDSIS. Sign on with your UDelNetID and password or UD ID and PIN. If you do not know your password, go to, logon with UD ID and PIN on the right side, and you will be able to change your password.
  2. Under the Self Service folder on the left side menu, click on Faculty Center. A list of your courses for the current term appears. To select a different term, use the Select Term dropdown box, and click the Change button.
  3. Click on the Grade Roster icon Grade Roster Icon next to the course you wish to grade. A new screen with the roster appears.
  4. To download the roster, click the Download icon Download Icon in the header bar of the roster table. If you have problems, check your browser setup concerning enabling pop-ups and trusted sites. (Directions: Internet Explorer   Firefox).
  5. For more help, see UDSIS Faculty Center.

Missing Names on Grade Rosters

If an attending student's name is missing from your grade roster, you may submit a grade using the Change Grade/Supplemental Grade form, available in your UDSIS Faculty Center, in the Forms folder.

Mid-Term Grading

Students who were admitted as freshman to UD and are in their first or second UD semester have a mid-term grading period during the Fall and Spring semesters.

Final Grades

Acceptable Grades for End of Term

  • A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-,F, (S and U available for Graduate Sustaining Research)
  • I - Incomplete. See "Incomplete grades" below .
  • Z - Unofficial withdraw. Applicable to students who never attended or stopped attending. (No preprinted "W").

Restricted Use Grades (Appropriate only as specified)

  • W - Official withdraw. Acceptable only when prerecorded on roster.
  • L - Listener (Audit). Acceptable only when prerecorded on roster. Where "L" is prerecorded, instructor should submit "L" or "LW" (Listener withdrawn).
  • P - Pass. Acceptable only for courses approved Pass/Fail by Faculty Senate. Pass/Fail are the only grade options for these courses. An acceptable letter grade (see above) must be submitted for students who elect to take a course for pass/fail grading. The letter grade will default to "P" or "F" as appropriate.

Communication Condition

For students whose written skills are not satisfactory, a Communication Condition may be given by an instructor in any course. The Communication Condition must be removed before graduation. If a Communication Condition is to be given, the forms are available from your grade coordinator.

Incomplete ("I") Grades

At the discretion of the instructor, a student may be granted an incomplete ("I") as an end of term grade. An incomplete grade will automatically default to "F" two weeks into the next regular semester. The faculty member has several options regarding the default deadline:

  1. Do nothing. Allow the grade to default to "F".
  2. Submit an Incomplete Grade Explanation, providing an alternative to the the default "F".
  3. Submit an Incomplete Grade Extension, extending the default deadline to allow the student additional time to complete the work.

Incomplete Grade Explanation and Incomplete Grade Extension requests are available in your UDSIS Faculty Center, in the Forms folder.

For additional questions, contact Mary Mohr.