"The University’s new Professional Science
Master’s degree programs directly respond to the national
need for a stronger scientific workforce to enhance the
nation’s competitiveness," notes University of Delaware
Provost Tom Apple. "Our PSM programs in biotechnology
and bioinformatics have been developed in partnership
with bioscience companies in the region and will serve
as a pipeline to industry, providing graduates who can
translate scientific discoveries into real-world applications."
Diagnostics Inc. (SDIX) is one Delaware biotechnology
company which has partnered with the University of Delaware
in developing the first UD PSMs. "We are pleased to be
collaborating with the University of Delaware in the development
and launch of the PSM programs in biotechnology and bioinformatics,"
commented Deborah Day Barbara, vice president of business
development for SDIX. "These emerging programs will
serve as a vital and necessary talent resource to the
regional biotechnology community."
Advisory Board has been active in providing feedback
on industry needs in their respective fields. Representatives
from the following organizations have been instrumental
in the PSM development process: A. I. duPont hospital
for Children, Adesis, ANP Technologies Inc., AstraZeneca,
Christiana Care Health System, Delaware BioScience Association,
the DuPont Company, Fraunhofer Center for Molecular Biotechnology,
Incyte Corporation, Noramco Inc., QPS holdings, SDIX,
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics, ThermoFisher Scientific,
and W. L. Gore & Associates.
UD internship and advisory board partner
SDIX was recently featured in the news when they provided
their Microtox® Water Quality System and technical assistance
to the Ocean Research & Conservation Association, Inc.
(ORCA) to aid the Gulf Oil Spill response effort.