Vendor and Visitor
A valid permit/pass for your vehicle is required at all times when parking in other than pay-to-park facilities. Representatives of service companies that have a contract to deliver goods or services on campus may apply for a parking permit. There will be a fee associated with the parking permit.
Vendors with highly recognizable vehicle logos performing routine deliveries/pick-ups at University buildings and requiring less than fifteen minutes are exempt from any permit requirement.
Government vehicles displaying state or federal license plates are exempt from the permit requirement.
The University operates four (4) pay-to-park facilities that you are welcome to utilize. Pay-to-park sites are located at: South College Avenue next to the Visitor Center; the parking garage on West Main Street next to the Trabant University Center, Amstel Avenue west of the Center for the Arts, and Academy Street south of the Perkins Student Center. Current rates are posted at each lot.
As a non-university employee, you are eligible to obtain and use a Visitor Pass at no charge; however, the Visitor Pass is only valid in designated remote parking lots - Lots #1, 88, 3, 7, 51, and 54.
Daily or Monthly parking permits for the main campus may be purchased at the Parking Services Office, 413 Academy Street. The office is open Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Please provide a written form of documentation regarding your campus work assignment.
When applying for a permit/pass, please bring your motor vehicle registration card and driver's license.
Call (302) 831-1184 if you have any questions regarding campus parking.
Visitors are always welcome at the University of Delaware. There are a number of parking lots available to visitors on the Newark campus during the business day. These include the Visitors Center lot (lot 41), the Trabant Parking Garage (lot 17), the Center for the Arts Garage (lot 14), and the Perkins Garage (lot 4). A posted parking fee is designated for each lot. Visitors may also pay to park in metered parking spaces.
A visitor parking permit is required to park a vehicle in other than the designated visitor lots. A visitor permit may be obtained at the Department of Public Safety or from the department or office visited. Guests of students are asked to come to the Public Safety office to register for their visitor permit. Guests who will be on campus for several days are asked to store their vehicles in the perimeter lots. These permits are valid in lots 1, 3, 7, 51, 54 and 88 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. At all other times this permit is valid in all non-restricted parking lots and spaces. Visitors are prohibited from parking in 24-hour reserved and service vehicle spaces at all times.
Visitors who receive a notice of violation for "Lacks Valid Permit" may have the fine excused by coming to the Department of Public Safety with a photo ID and a copy of the vehicle registration and establishing their visitor status (copies will be accepted through the mail). During any year, the department will excuse no more than one such violation notice.
Persons with handicap parking privileges are eligible to park in handicap spaces, service vehicle spaces, and unpaid meters provided they have a valid university permit for the lot in which they are parking. Vehicles that display valid handicap privileges are exempt from meter activation.
Public off-street parking is available at the Newark Parking Authority. For further information call the Authority at 366-7154.