IT News

Oct 18, 2010   -

Passwords keep your personal information, including your UD records, protected. Your passwords are the equivalent of the key to the lock for your virtual life. Because account names are often publicly available, using strong passwords and managing them wisely are the most important ways you can protect your information and others' information entrusted to you.

Never share your password or PIN with anyone; if you think someone knows your password or PIN, change it.

In addition to keeping your password private, you should also choose strong passwords. A recent study of 32,000,000 passwords revealed in a security breach at a social gaming Web site showed that over 290,000 of their clients had chosen "123456" as their password.

If you choose a strong password, you protect yourself against password-stealers. If you don't reveal your password to anyone, you make sure that no one else will accidentally reveal your password.

Related IT Organization : ISO
Oct 14, 2010   -

The University of Delaware IT Technology Fair is the perfect opportunity to ask in-depth questions about existing and emerging technologies. Whether you're on the cutting edge, or catching up, the fair is the place to have close-up, hands-on experience with technology.

The campus community is invited to attend the fair on Tuesday, Oct. 19, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., in the Trabant University Center Multipurpose Rooms. Registration is encouraged, but not required. A light buffet lunch will be provided.

From 3D video to Microsoft Office, high-speed camera applications to online content development, the fair is the place to get tech questions answered. If you don't see something you are interested in, ask about it to get the conversation started.

The fair will emphasize "hands-on" technology stations for participants to become familiar with technology available for them to use inside and outside the classroom.

Related IT Organization : ATS
Oct 6, 2010   -

Because so many UD faculty, students, and staff follow IT's directions for keeping their computers clean and secure, UD has seen a reduction in the number of computers infected by viruses, spyware, and other malware.

However, each year, the number of software security vulnerabilities rises, and hacking tools available to exploit these vulnerabilities become more readily available and more hackers look for ways to access your computer and copy, steal or alter data you have stored.

Therefore, you have to be alert to new ways your computer can be attacked.

Related IT Organization : All IT
Oct 1, 2010   -

The University of Delaware has joined in the annual effort to promote cyber security.

During October, IT will publish a series of articles in UDaily, maintain a UD-specific Web site of NCSAM/security information, and otherwise publicize the need for all members of the University community to protect our computers, our information, and our identities.

For all of our safety, cyber security practices should be part of everyone's routine.


Related IT Organization : ISO
Oct 1, 2010   -

Whether you're on the cutting edge, or catching up, the University of Delaware IT Technology Fair is the place to discover emerging technologies.

The campus community is invited to attend the fair on Tuesday, Oct. 19, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., in the Trabant University Center Multi-Purpose Rooms.

Related IT Organization : All IT
Sep 28, 2010   -

IT warns LinkedIn users of a new malware attack that is getting by most spam scanners.

It's accounting for up to 25% of the spam on the Internet today and targets your personal banking information.

Related IT Organization : All IT, ISO
Sep 24, 2010   -

Ian Dolphin, new executive director of the Sakai Foundation, held a question-and-answer session with University faculty and staff on Monday, Sept. 13.

Dolphin explained the background and context of Sakai, spoke about the state of the Sakai 3 initiative and listened to comments about experiences with Sakai@UD.

Related IT Organization : CS&S
Sep 16, 2010   -

Adobe Acrobat Pro is now available for University owned Macintosh and Windows computers at

The license covers ONLY UD-owned systems. NOT individuals' computers.

Related IT Organization : All IT
Sep 3, 2010   -

IT Web Development has announced a new service for campus—UD Mobile Web. You can now get essential UD information and services on your mobile device anytime, anywhere.

If your phone has data capabilities and a Web/data plan from your carrier or a WiFi connection, link to from within your device’s Web browser. You can also preview the smartphone version of the site from your desktop or laptop.

Related IT Organization : Web Dev
Aug 25, 2010   -
Earlier this week, IT updated the Legaltunes Web site:

The site lists several legal options for the University community to use when downloading digital media and links to sources for legal access to music, movies, TV shows, e-books, games and other content.

Unauthorized downloading or sharing digital media is illegal, on campus and off. It is your responsibility to make sure you use legal options to access digital media.
Related IT Organization : All IT
Aug 24, 2010   -
Housing and Assignment Services lists what students should bring to their residence hall rooms. There are a few technology-related items you should remember:

Computers: An Ethernet cable and surge suppressor are required.

Television: A coaxial cable and etiher a TV or DVR with an NTSC tuner are required.
Related IT Organization : CS&S
Aug 23, 2010   -

IT Academic Technology Services (IT-ATS) continues to expand the UD Capture service for faculty. This free service records course content for faculty and students to review at any point in time.


“Faculty tell us that UD Capture helps them use class time more efficiently, refine their teaching styles and make better use of guest speakers,” Paul Hyde, IT-ATS, said. He added that students are using the system to “review before tests and exams, catch up on missed classes and control the pace of their learning."

Related IT Organization : ATS